30+ Spiders that are Red and Black (With Pictures)

After providing you with some articles related to “animals that eat,” we have begun sharing knowledge regarding colors. You have often witnessed spiders of some unpredictable sparkling colors and wondered what kind of species this is. To answer this, we are back with a list of more than 30 spiders that are red and black. Yes, you read it right. Here we are listing the spiders that are in red and black colors. So, let’s see.

1 Redback spider

Let’s begin the list of spiders that are red and black with Redback Spiders. Redback Spiders are also known as Australian Black Widow. They have a large circular body that is black in color with a light red strip on the lower abdomen.

These spiders also have a whitish marking on the upper side of the abdomen. The average life span of a female Redback Spider is nearly 2-3 years, whereas males live only for 6-7 months.

Like other spiders, these spiders are carnivores and eat small lizards, spiders, crickets, and other insects. Female redback spiders are also considered to be the most venomous spiders in Victoria, and their bite may cause headache, nausea and vomiting, and intense pain.

Scientific Name: Latrodectus hasselti

Size: 3-4mm

Location: Native to Australia

2) Redbacked Jumping Spider

Red-backed Jumping Spiders are one of the most common spiders that are red and black in Western North America. They are also one of the largest jumping spiders in western North America.

Red-backed Jumping spiders are non-venomous like Redback spiders. Both males and females are black in color with bright red abdomen, and the females have an additional black stripe. They feed on varieties of insects like moths, flies, bugs etc.

Scientific Name: Phidippus johnsoni

Size: 4-18mm

Location: The Great Plains, the Pacific Ocean, northern Mexico, and southern Canada

3) Southern Black Widow

Southern Black Widow
Image Source | slummis (Pixabay)

Southern Black Widow, also known shoe-button spider is one of the most venomous spiders native to North America. The females have larger bodies and are pitch black in color with red markings on their rounded abdomen.

After reproduction, females eat their males, which are smaller in size and purple in color. Southern Black Widow feeds on various types of prey, from woodlice, diplopods, and chilopods to mice. They form very strong webs. In addition, the venom of the Southern Black Widow can cause pain and other symptoms but is not fatal.

Scientific Name: Latrodectus mactans

Size: 3-13mm

Location: North America

4) Napoleon Spider

Napoleon Spider is from the species of Synema globosum and is commonly seen in the Mediterranean region. Female Napoleon Spiders are much larger than males and found in three color variations: Red form, Yellow form and White form.

They all have a black marking on their abdomen. They mostly hunt flower-feeding insects. Unlike Redback spiders, they are non-venomous.

Species: Synema globosum

Size: 2-8mm

Location: most countries of Europe and in the eastern Palearctic ecozone

5) Red spotted ant mimic 

Red Spotted Ant Mimic is black in color and has a red stripe on its abdomen. This spider has its name because it walks on six legs and uses the front pair of legs as an antenna like ants.

Their venom is only effective on small insects, not on humans. Red Spotted Ant Mimic are commonly found in shrubs, woods, parks, and stones. They mainly feed on ants and small insects.

Scientific Name: Castianeira descripta

Size: 0.5-1cm

Location: Canada and the United States

6) Ladybird spider 

Ladybird Spider is one of the rarest spiders that can live more than five years. These spiders are also one of the most beautiful spiders with black bodies and red abdomens with black spots similar to ladybirds.

Moreover, white vertical stripes are present on their legs. IUCN categorizes Ladybird Spider as Endangered species. The main reason behind habitat loss is agriculture, forestry, and development.

Scientific Name: Eresus sandaliatus

Size: 10-16mm

Location: northern and central parts of Europe

7) Western Black Widow 

The next spider on our list of spiders that are red and black is Western Black Widow. Western Widow is one most venomous spiders containing neurotoxins active against a range of mammals.

Its venom leads to pain, nausea, goosebumps, and localized sweating in humans. The females have pitch-black bodies with an hourglass-shaped red mark on the lower abdomen. Western Black Widow mainly feeds on different arthropods, including darkling beetles and weevils.

Scientific Name: Latrodectus Hesperus

Size: 7-16mm

Location: western regions of North America

8) Red and Black Spider

Red and Black Spider, also known as Nicodamus peregrinus, are native to eastern and southern Australia. These spiders have bright red bodies with half-black legs and black abdomens. The venom of Red and Black Spiders is not dangerous to humans. In most cases, it may cause local itching with minor pain.

Scientific Name: Ambicodamus crinitus

Size: 8 to 14 mm

Location: Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia

9) Dwarf Spider

Ceraticelus is a lineage of dwarf spiders. It is a tiny red and black spider. Its poison is not much lethal and is of medical concern. Ceraticelus is among the tiniest spiders on Earth.

These spiders feed on very small insects like springtails, ants, flies, planthoppers, and tiny beetles. Dwarf spiders have very beautiful red-colored body with sparkling blue or black abdomen. 

Scientific Name: Ceraticelus fissiceps

Size: Around 2 mm

Location: the United States and Canada

10) Hypsosinga rubens

Hypsosinga rubens is a species of ‘orb weaver‘; ‘orb’ means circular/ spherical. So, these particular spiders make their webs in a circular manner or in spiral form.

They are found mostly in the United States and Canada, belonging to the family Araneidae. If one gets bitten by it, the venom is not much danger to any living being.

Scientific Name: Hypsosinga rubens

Size: Almost 5 mm

Location: the US and Canada

11) Red headed Mouse spider

The red-headed mouse spider is the largest and is widely distributed by Missulena spiders. This is because their eggs can be dispersed through winds to various regions.

Their poison is dangerous and, to some extent, harmful but has only shown minor effects in some cases.

Scientific Name: Missulena occatoria

Size: Female- 24 mm, Male- 12 mm

Location: Southern parts of Australia

12) Mediterranean Black Widow Spider

Mediterranean Black Widow Spider
Image Source | WikiImages (Pixabay)

 The Mediterranean black widow spider is also famously known as the ‘European Black Widow.‘ As the name suggests, this species is mostly found in the Mediterranean region (from Southern Iberia to Central Asia). The pattern on its abdomen is kind of similar to the Ladybirds‘.

The body length of male and female spiders differs in length. The male species are slightly smaller than the female ones. Only the female spiders of this species are venomous and harmful because males are enabling to penetrate deep into the thick epidermal layer of skin.

Scientific Name: Lactrodectus tradecium guttatus

Size: 4-15 mm

Location: Mediterranean regions

13) Apache jumping spider

Apache jumping spider comes under the lineage of jumping spiders which belongs to the family Salticidae. Found mostly in the US, Mexico, and Cuba, this type of spider contains red-black hairs on their bodies, giving them a furry appearance.

They are of small size but can be seen in a wide range of colors. The male has a bright red abdomen enclosed within a thin boundary of black hairs.

The females possess the same, except having a long black strip on their abdomen helps to identify the gender.

Scientific Name: Phidippus apacheanus

Size: 3.3-22mm

Location: the US, Mexico, Cuba

14) Black-tailed Red Sheet Weaver

Also called ‘red grass spider,‘ the black-tailed red sheet weaver is the only species in the genus Florinda. It is a dwarf spider and can only be seen in countries like Mexico, West Indies and the USA.

Its horizontal web sheet contains non-sticky sheets with stopping threads that help it entrap its flying prey, falling them into its web sheet.

They have shiny blood-red bodies and two rows of eyes. Red grass spiders’ poison can be dangerous to living beings, and their female ones grow larger than the male ones.

Scientific Name: Florinda coccinea

Size: 3 to 4 mm

Location: South-eastern United States, Mexico and West Indies

15) Red-legged Purse web spider

The binomial name of the red-legged purse web spider is Sphodros rufipes, and rufipes is a Latin term which means ‘red legs.‘ It is a mygalomorph spider found mostly in the southern parts of the United States.

It has a firm jet-black body with eye-catching red legs. Its webs are tube-like webs that appear like tiny branches against a tree trunk and hide within its webs. These spiders also have straight-down large fans that help them to catch their prey.

Scientific Name: Sphodros rufipes

Size: 25 mm

Location: southern parts of the United States, also seen in countries like Indiana, Missouri, New Jersey, Minnesota, Tennessee, Delaware, Louisiana, and Tuckernuck Island in Massachusetts

Other List


  • 16) Alpaida Latro 
  • 17) Latrodectus renivulvatus 
  • 18) Northern Black Widow 
  • 19) Spiny orb-weaver
  • 20) Cardinal jumper 
  • 21) Whitman’s jumping spider 
  • 22) Bold jumping spider 
  • 23) Brilliant Jumping Spider
  • 24) Red-Bellied Jumping Spider
  • 25) Red House Spider
  • 26) Katipō  
  • 27) Steatoda Paykulliana
  • 28) Long-Horned Orbweaver
  • 29) Peatland Sheetweb Weaver
  • 30) Mexican Red-Rump Tarantula
  • 31) Emerton’s Bitubercled Cobweaver
  • 32) Broad-Faced Sac Spider

Here, we conclude our article on “spiders that are red and black.” We hope you like the list. There are many spiders that can be found in red and black, and some of them are venomous for us. So, take care and read the articles mentioned below.

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