Are There Any Poisonous Bugs in Florida? (Dangerous Insects)

Florida, popular for its warm climate and diverse ecosystems, is home to a myriad of fascinating creatures. Amidst the beauty of its natural wonders, there lurk tiny yet dangerous predators—the poisonous bugs of Florida.

From venomous spiders to toxic caterpillars, these diminutive creatures possess a range of defensive mechanisms that demand our attention.

In this article, we embark on a captivating journey through the enthralling world of the 10 most poisonous bugs in Florida. We delve into their unique characteristics, venomous adaptations, and the potential threats they pose to humans.

Are there any Poisonous Beetles in Florida?

Yes, there are many Poisonous Bugs or Beetles that one can find in Florida. Some of the most notable ones include Paper Wasps, Yellow Jackets, Widow Spiders, Velvet Ants, Buck Moth Caterpillars and many more. We have discussed about each of them in the list below.

10 Poisonous Bugs in Florida

1. Red Paper Wasps

Red Paper wasp
Red Paper Wasps
Scientific Name Polistes carolina
Size 0.96-1.28 inches long
Color Reddish brown color of head and body
Toxicity Highly

In the first position of this list of Poisonous Bugs in Florida, we have one of the most feared bugs, the Paper Wasp. Out of the 22 species of Paper Wasps in America, the Red Paper Wasps are quite common, building nests near humans.

With a Schmidt Pain Index of 3, their sting has been described as a drop of superheated frying oil, on the arm, causing immense pain. Unlike bees they tend to sting multiple times, but only if they feel the safety of their nest is threatened.

2. Florida Blister Beetle

Scientific Name Epicauta floridensis
Size  1-1.5 centimeter
Color Black or Brown in color with a velvety appearance
Toxicity High

Florida Blister Beetles are among the several other Blister Beetle species that are known to deliver painful blisters as a defensive mechanism. Blister Beetles secrete the chemical Cantharidin, that causes burns and irritation on coming in contact with human skin.

Though it is not an aggressive insect, manhandling or disturbing it may trigger its defensive mechanism, and is rightly one of the most poisonous bugs in Florida.

3. Yellow Jackets

Yellow Jackets
Yellow Jackets
Scientific Name Vespula vulgaris
Size 10-16 milimeters
Color Black with yellow markings and bandings
Toxicity Medium

The next insect in this list of Poisonous bugs of Florida is the Yellow Jackets. Not a single species name, Yellow Jackets being under it several species with yellow and black-striped bodies, all woven by their common aggressive behavior.

Yellow Jackets are opportunistic predators and scavengers and tend to sting their prey multiple times, and therefore are feared for their painful stings. On threat, they release in the surrounding air a pheromone that signals all nearby Yellow Jackets to attack, leading to swarming aggressive behavior.

4. Florida Bark Scorpion

Scientific Name Centruroides gracilis
Size 5-15 centimeters
Color Black
Toxicity  Medium

The Florida Bark Scorpion is notable, like its other counterparts, for the presence of a venomous stinger located at the tip of its tail.

The venom is quite potent and primarily serves to immobilize the prey, but when it bites a human, though it may not be life-threatening, it causes severe pain and discomfort.

Severe medical cases are quite rare, and most basic first aid does the job. The Florida Bark Scorpion is primarily a nocturnal insect, that stay inactive during the day and becomes active at night.

5. Velvet Ant

Velvet Ant
Velvet Ant
Scientific Name Dasymutilla occidentalis
Size 0.3-0.8 inches
Color Shades of yellow, red, brown and black
Toxicity Medium

Popularly known as the cow killer, the name Velvet ant is a misnomer, as this insect is not an ant but belongs to the wasp family. They derive the name velvet from their dense and velvety hair-like covering, which can range in color from red to orange or black.

The sting from this bug can cause immense pain, and can often trigger severe allergic reactions in many individuals.

6. Bald Faced Hornet

Bald Faced Hornet
Bald Faced Hornet
Scientific Name Dolichovespula maculata
Size 0.75 inches
Color Black with white markings
Toxicity Medium

Similar to a Yellow Jacket, the Bald-Faced Hornet also possesses a potent sting. Bald Faced Hornets tend to sting multiple times, causing their sting to cause excruciating pain.

For this very reason, any sort of encounter with these bugs should be avoided. Generally, they are non-aggressive but become highly dangerous when threatened.

7. Red Widow Spider 

Red Widow Spider
Red Widow Spider


Scientific Name Latrodectus bishopi
Size 0.5 inch
Color Black with red marking on the abdomen
Toxicity Low

In the 7th position on this list of Poisonous bugs of Florida, we have the Red Widow Spider, a venomous spider, native to Florida. The female Red Widow, like other widow spiders, has powerful neurotoxin that it employs to immobilize and subdue its prey.

The venom is particularly intended to impact an insect’s nervous system. In terms of human hazards, the Red Widow spider is not considered a serious concern.

While its venom is toxic and can cause localized pain, swelling, and discomfort, its bite is less harmful and causes less severe symptoms. To reduce the chance of getting bitten, it is important to use caution and avoid touching Red Widow spiders.

8. Buck Moth Caterpillar

Scientific Name Hemileuca maia
 Size 1.8-2.0 inches
Color Orange to dark red legs, brown to black bodies
Toxicity Medium

The Buck Moth caterpillar, commonly known as the Io moth caterpillar, is a larval stage of the Io moth (Automeris io), a North American moth species.

The Buck Moth caterpillar has toxic spines throughout its body, which when coming into contact with human flesh, break off and embed into the skin, releasing poisons.

9. Hag caterpillar

Scientific Name Phobetron pithecium
Size 1 inch
Color Brown
Toxicity Medium

While the adult moths are relatively less significant, it’s the caterpillars that have grown quite infamous due to their potent sting. Covered in dense hair-like structures called setae, Hag caterpillars often resemble fur or fluffy cotton.

These setae are imbued with toxins and can pierce the skin, thereby releasing their venom. Though the effects may not be life-threatening, it causes some severe discomfort like inflammation, characterized by burning sensation and itching.

10. Southern Black Widow Spider

Black Widow Spider
Southern Black Widow Spider
Scientific Name Latrodectus mactans
Size 8-13 millimeters in body length
Color Black with red markings on the abdomen
Toxicity Medium

Last but not least; on this list of Poisonous bugs of Florida, we have the Southern Black Widow Spider, commonly found in the Eastern United States.

Like its Red counterpart, it’s the females who are equipped with potent neurotoxic venom, aimed to affect the nervous system of its prey.

Southern Black Widow Spiders bite may cause pain in the bitten area, accompanied by nausea, sweating, and breathing issues. It is much more venomous compared to the Red widow spider.

Here, we come to the end of this article, 10 Poisonous Bugs in Florida. Hope you have enjoyed. Do let us know your views on our various social media handles. We will be back with more such informative article, so stay tuned. Until then, goodbye.


  • Florida Pest Control- Paper Wasp
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