15 Animals that start with Wood

Nature’s diversity never ceases to amaze us, and the animal kingdom is home to a multitude of captivating creatures. They all have their names which give us an idea about the animal.

Among them are animals whose names begin with the word “wood,” which evokes images of forests, trees, and woodlands.

In this article, we will embark on a journey to explore 15 Animals that start with Wood. Most of the time, the wood in their name signifies the habitat in which they thrive and breed.

Animals that Start with Wood

1. Woodchuck

Scientific name Marmota monax
Size 16-26 inches long
Habitat Forests, meadows, fields
Location Eastern USA, Canada, Alaska
Diet Grasses, berries, bark leaves, etc.

Woodchuck, commonly known as the groundhog, is a medium-sized rodent, popular for their digging habits. They have short, bushy tails and strong, curved claws adapted for digging burrows.

Woodchucks have brown color fur, with a dense undercoat for insulation. They are excellent diggers and construct complex burrow systems with multiple entrances, and separate chambers for sleeping and waste disposal.

Woodchuck is a fascinating mammal that plays an important role in ecosystems through its burrowing activity. Its ability to predict the weather, more of a folklore, has captured a lot of limelight.

2. Woodlouse

Scientific name Armadillidium vulgare
Size 1.8 centimeters
Habitat Damp habitats like leaf litter, decaying wood etc.
Location Europe
Diet Dead debris, leaf litter, etc.

Next up, the animal that we are going to talk about in this list of Animals that Start with Wood is the Woodlouse.

The term louse is a misnomer, as it belongs to the crustacean group called Isopods, with a hard exoskeleton that enables them to retain their moisture.

Woodlouse plays a vital role in ecosystem processes by contributing to the decomposition of organic matter by feeding on dead plant material, fungi, and other organic debris.

This in turn helps to break down complex matter and recycle nutrients back into the soil.

3. Woodpecker

Scientific name Dryocopus pileatus
Size 16-19 inches long
Habitat Deciduous and Boreal Forests
Location North America
Diet Insectivore

Woodpeckers have strong, chisel-like beaks, which they use to drill into trees for nesting and foraging. Their beaks are specifically adapted to deliver powerful strikes on wood, allowing them to extract insects, larvae, and sap from the trees.

The hyoid apparatus protects the brain from shocks by absorbing them. A unique adaptation seen in woodpeckers is their ability to cling to trees vertically, by using their strong feet and stiff tail feathers for support.

4. Wood turtle

Wood turtle
Wood turtle
Scientific name Glyptemys insculpta
Size 5.5-8 centimeters
Habitat Forests, grasslands, near streams, rivers
Location North America
Diet Omnivore

Next up in this list of Animals that start with Wood, we are going to talk about the Wood turtle. In the past few years, the reptile hobby has witnessed a skyrocketing demand for wood turtles, mostly for their beautifully patterned shells.

Wood Turtles are docile beings, and do not require large areas to keep. However, their demand in the pet trade and the exotic meat market has severely dwindled their population in the wild.

5. Wood bison

Wood Bison
Wood bison
Scientific name Bison bison athabascae
Size 11 feet long, 6.5 feet tall
Habitat Boreal forests of Canada, Alaska, British Columbia
Location North America
Diet Grasses, sedges, forbs

The Wood Bison stands at the apex as one of the most powerful and largest mammals on the continent. A thick coat and powerful muscles enable the bison to survive in their habitat.

Extensive hunting and habitat loss once drove these majestic beings to the brink of extinction. Thanks to the extensive conservation efforts, the Bison population has made a remarkable comeback.

6. Woodcock

Scientificname Scolopax minor
Size 10-12 inches long
Habitat lightly wooded forests
Location eastern half of North America
Diet Worms, snails, centipedes, millipedes, ants, beetles etc.

Woodcocks are long-billed birds, quite cherished by birdwatchers for their enchanting courtship displays. The long bills help in probing the ground in search of earthworms and other invertebrates, while their plumage serves as an excellent camouflage.

Woodcocks are highly valued game birds in some regions and are subject to regulated hunting. However, conservation efforts have been implemented to ensure sustainable populations and protect their habitats.

7. Wood roach

Wood roach
Scientific name Parcoblatta pennsylvanica
Size up to 1 inch long
Habitat Moist wooded areas
Location Eastern and central North America
Diet Rotting organic matter, dead wood

Wood roaches look quite different from regular household roaches, with a flattened, oval-shaped body and long antennae.

Typically brown or reddish-brown, they can easily blend in with the decaying leaves and bark of trees, their natural habitat, thus protecting them from predators.

Wood roaches are primarily nocturnal and feed on decaying organic matter, including dead leaves, wood, and plant debris. They play a crucial role in the ecosystem by aiding in the decomposition process and recycling.

8. Woodlark

Scientific name Lullula arborea
Size 13.5-15 centimeters long
Habitat open spaces sparsely populated with trees
Location Europe, Western Asia
Diet Seeds, berries, insects

Next up on this list of Animals that start with Wood, we have one of the favorite birds for bird enthusiasts, the Woodlark, known for its melodious songs.

Their plumage is predominantly brown, with intricate streaks and patterns that provide excellent camouflage in their natural habitat.

Loss of habitats like woodlands, and open grasslands to agriculture has led to a sharp decline in their population.

9. Woodtick

Scientific name Francisella tularensis
Size 15-30 milimeters
Habitat Skin of humans and animals
Location United States
Diet Blood

Better known as dog ticks, Wood ticks are arachnids infamous for their parasitic nature and their ability to transmit diseases to both humans and animals.

Wood ticks are typically found in grassy and wooded areas, where they wait on vegetation for a suitable host to pass by.

Several diseases, including Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, use Dog ticks as vectors.

10. Wood warbler

Wood warbler
Scientific name Phylloscopus sibilatrix
Size 11-13 centimeters
Habitat Deciduous and mixed woodlands
Location Europe
Diet Insectivorous

A small passerine bird, Wood warblers are known for their vibrant plumage and beautiful song, which make them a rewarding sight for birdwatchers.

Their plumage mostly consists of yellow throat and breast, with olive green upperpart and pale underparts. Wood warblers are quite common in Europe, and the IUCN currently lists them as a species of Least Concern.

11. Wood pigeon

Wood pigeon
Wood pigeon
Scientific name Columba palumbus
Size 40-42 centimeters
Habitat Parks, Gardens, Towns, Cities
Location Eastern Parts of Europe and Western Asia
Diet Vegetables, Acorns, Buds etc.

Next up on this list of Animals that start with Wood, we have a widespread bird, the Wood Pigeon. This pigeon species is easily distinguishable by the presence of a round white patch on either side of their necks.

Their flight is accompanied by a loud clatter of wings, a common sound in the woodlands along with their cooing call.

12. Wood mouse

Wood mouse
Wood mouse
Scientific name Apodemus sylvaticus
Size 3.5 inches
Habitat Grasslands, forests
Location Europe and Northwestern Africa
Diet Seeds, small insects, snails

Wood mice are found in a diverse set of habitats, and are one of the most widespread rodents in Europe. Wood mice generally have a brownish fur, with a lighter underbelly.

The body is slender, with a long tail, that often surpasses their entire body length, and it gives them the agility and balance it needs to navigate in their habitats.

Wood mice are ecologically important as they not only act as effective seed dispersers but are prey to several predators like foxes, owls, snakes, etc.

13. Wood frog

Wood frog
Scientific name Rana sylvatica
Size 2.0-2.8 inches
Habitat Forests, wetlands
Location Georgia, Canada, Alaska
Diet Insects

Wood frogs are quite fascinating beings, with rough, brown, or reddish-brown skin with dark markings that help camouflage them in their woodland habitat. One of their distinctive features is the black mask-like marking that extends from their eyes to their shoulders.

Though they normally live in damp environments, they are well-adapted to survive in colder climates and are often one of the first frogs to emerge during the spring thaw, after a freezing winter.

Wood frogs have a unique ability to withstand freezing temperatures by producing a natural antifreeze-like substance that protects their cells from freeze damage.

14. Woodland Caribou

Woodland Caribou
Woodland Caribou
Scientific name Rangifer tarandus caribou
Size 1.0-1.2 meter tall
Habitat Marshes, bogs, lakes and river regions
Location North America
Diet Mostly lichens

The second last animal on this list of Animals that start with Wood is the Woodland Caribou, the other name being Boreal Caribou. The third largest member of the caribou ecotype, they prefer to live in lichen-rich habitats.

Woodland Caribous currently have several subspecies scattered throughout the continent, but scientists describe the “true” caribous to have a short darker mane and flat antlers.

Though its populations are stable, they are exposed to several threats like habitat loss and forest fires.

15. Wood Owls

Wood Owls
Wood Owls
Scientific name Strix sp.
Size Species dependent
Habitat Woodlands and forests
Location Asia, Europe, America
Diet Rats, nice, hares, other birds, insects

Wood Owls comprise all the species of owls that come under the Genus Strix. As the name suggests, Wood Owls are adapted to their life in the woods.

Wood owls are quite stocky birds, with a plumage that is usually cryptically colored, allowing them to blend seamlessly with the tree bark and foliage of their forest habitats.

Some species exhibit beautiful patterns of browns, grays, and blacks, providing excellent camouflage in their woody habitat.

Now, its tome to conclude this article on 15 Animals that start with Wood. We have many more articles covering a wide range of topics like insects, birds, reptiles, amphibians, mammals and many more, so do not forget to check them out. We will be back soon, so stay tuned. Until then, goodbye.


  • A-Z Animals: Woodroach vs Cockroach
  • RSBP.org – Woodpigeon
  • Britannica- Wood Owl

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