Discover 15 Stunning Green Fish (With Info & Pictures)

The fascinating class of aquatic organisms known as green fish fascinates both fish aficionados and nature lovers. These fish are easily recognized by their striking green color, which ranges from light to dark shades of emerald and forest green.

Due to their unusual appearance and graceful movements, green fish are a stunning sight to behold.

In this post, we’ll introduce you to 15 of the most exquisite green fish species that inhabit various aquatic ecosystems around the globe.

These fish, which range in size from tiny and delicate to massive and powerful, each have unique characteristics that elevate them to the status of magnificent works of nature.

Get ready to learn about some of the most beautiful and fascinating marine creatures by exploring the world of green fish.

Are There Any Green Fish?

There are numerous fish species with green coloring. For instance, some varieties of catfish, bass, and trout may have scales with a greenish hue.

In addition, some tropical fish species, such as the green chromis, and green puffers, are distinguished by their vivid green coloring.

The precise shade of green can differ based on the species and individual fish, so it’s crucial to keep that in mind. Fish can come in a broad variety of hues.

Fish which are green in color:

  • Green Spotted Puffer- Freshwater pufferfish native to Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia, are members of the Green Spotted Puffer species. Their green spots, which are seen on their flanks and backs, gave them their name.
  • Green Tiger Barbs- Freshwater fish called Green Tiger Barbs are indigenous to Southeast Asia, specifically Thailand, Malaysia, and Sumatra. It is a well-liked aquarium fish that has stripes of black and vivid green that mimic the striping of a tiger.
  • Green Discus- is a species of tropical freshwater fish in the Cichlid family. They are distinguished by their vibrant green coloration and disc-shaped body.
  • Green Arowana- Green Arowanas have elongated, streamlined bodies that are mostly green with a metallic sheen ranging from blue-green to emerald green.
  • Green Severums- are mostly green in color, have a peculiar oval body form, and are covered in a pattern of vertical black stripes. The Banded Cichlid, often called the Hero Cichlid, is another name for the Green Severum.

15 Stunning Green Fish

1. Green cory catfish

Scientific Name Corydoras splendens
Size 2.5 inches (6.4 cm)
Life Span 5-7 years
Location South America
Diet Omnivorous; primarily feeds on insect larvae, algae, and small crustaceans

The fish’s body reflects a metallic green, blue-green, or even a bluish hue depending on the lighting angle. The pectoral, ventral, and anal fins are yellowish in the ventral region, whereas the dorsal, caudal, and adipose fins are translucent brownish.

The belly of the females is pinker than the belly of the males, which is more yellow. The ladies are also larger and more robust than the men.

2. Green Sunfish

Green Sunfish
Green Sunfish
Scientific Name Lepomis cyanellus
Size Up to 8 inches (20 cm)
Life Span Up to 7 years
Location North America
Diet Insects, crustaceans, small fish, and plant material

The ventral sides and back of the green sunfish are green-colored and have bony ridges with yellow flecks. Its back and sides are blue-green.

Several people mistake them for bluegill because of the broken vivid blue stripes on the gill covers and sides of the head. Moreover, they have a dark patch on their ear plate, the bases of their anal fins, and the area around the back of their dorsal fin.

3. Green cichlids

Scientific Name Andinoacara rivulatus
Size Up to 12 inches
Life Span 10-15 years
Location South America
Diet Omnivorous, feeds on insects, small crustaceans, and plant matter.

One of the most exquisite freshwater fish species is this one. The majority of specimens are highly vivid and are covered in an arresting metallic green, as their name would imply.

They have brighter blue markings all over their body and face to go with this. There are also many stripes that are bright orange. The tail fin and the tip of their pointed dorsal fin both have these stripes.

4. Neon Green Rasbora

Neon Green Rasbora
Neon Green Rasbora | Credit: BottomDog (commons.wikimedia) (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Scientific Name Microdevario kubotai
Size 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Life Span 3-4 years
Diet Omnivorous, feeds on small insects, crustaceans, and algae in the wild; will accept flake, pellet, and frozen foods in captivity

Aquarists wishing to add a splash of color to their aquariums will love Kubotai Rasboras. Most of their bodies are a brilliant bright green color that is unusual for freshwater creatures!

Other names for them include Green Danios, Neon Yellow Rasboras, and Neon Green Rasboras. This fish’s vivid green hue creates a striking contrast with other vividly colored fish and invertebrates.

5. Electric Green Danio Glofish

Electric Green Danio Glofish
Electric Green Danio Glofish
Scientific Name Danio rerio
Size Up to 2.5 inches (6cm)
Life Span 2-4 years
Location Southeast Asia
Diet Omnivorous, feeds on small insects, crustaceans, and algae in the wild; will accept flake, pellet, and frozen foods in captivity

Bright yellow-green in color, the Electric Green GloFish is. It has thin, horizontal silver-gold stripes. The GloFish has the same bluish striping and is just as resilient as a typical Zebra Danio.

These are lively fish that like to stay out in the middle or upper part of the water. They are excellent for group tanks. Give them a variety of foods, including flakes, little pellets, and occasionally small-sized frozen food.

The dazzling hue of the GloFish will not fade or change over time because it is a part of their genetic makeup and will be passed on to any progeny they may have.

6. Green Tiger Barb

Scientific Name Puntius tetrazona
Size Up to 2 inches (5 cm)
Life Span 5-7 years
Location Southeast Asia
Diet Omnivorous, primarily eats insects and small crustaceans

The green tiger barb has a green body and the same size and characteristics as a regular barb.

The color of the green tiger barb, also known as the moss green tiger barb, can vary greatly; to some individuals, it resembles almost black.

Albino barbs have four barely perceptible stripes and are light yellow and green in color.

7. Green Discus

Scientific Name Symphysodon tarzoo
Size Up to 6 inches (15 cm)
Life Span 10-15 years
Location Amazon River Basin in South America
Diet Omnivorous, primarily feeds on small invertebrates, algae and aquatic plants

The green discus has a yellow-green body with blue accents at the edges and black stripes all over. It lives in the downriver Purus area of the Western Amazon Basin.

The name “discus” is a good fit for this fish, which is kind of flat and round on top. The fish has large, pointed fins on its back and dorsal side. As we’ve already said, the discus is split into three groups based on its color: blue, red, or green.

8. Green Arowana

Scientific Name Osteoglossum bicirrhosum
Size Up to 36 inches (90 cm)
Life Span Up to 10 years
Location Malaysia
Diet Carnivorous, feeds on insects, fish, crustaceans, and other small animals

The Green Arowana, which is also called the Malaysian Green Arowana, lives in Malaysia’s freshwater reservoirs. This species of Arowana is not very common among aquarium hobbyists because it is not very common.

Appearance wise they are not very different from Asian Arowana. In fact, there are some differences, like the green color of the scales and where they live in the wild.

9. Green Severum

Scientific Name Heros Serverus
Size 8-10 inches (20-25 cm)
Life Span Up to 10 years
Location South America (Amazon River Basin)
Diet Omnivorous – eats both plant and animal matter including insects, small fish, and algae.

The natural color pattern for many cichlids is a green hue with yellow undertones towards the bottom. Serums all have an oval form that is laterally compressed and resembles a discus.

Bands can be seen on the sides as well. The stripes are more distinct in children and less noticeable in adults. And that’s why you hear terms like “banded cichlid” or “striped cichlid” in general usage.

10. Green Spotted Puffer

Scientific Name Tetraodon nigroviridis
Size Up to 6 inches (15 cm)
Life Span Up to 10 years
Location Southeast Asia and Australia
Diet Omnivorous – eats both plant and animal matter including insects, small fish, and algae.

The green pufferfish is a flat fish with a white underside and a metallic yellow or green top covered in black dots. It also features protruding, metallic blue eyes, a thick, broad forehead, and a broad, round body.

Although the skin of green pufferfish raised in captivity is more often smooth than leathery, this is not always the case. Its flesh is poisonous and should not be consumed.

11. Green Phantom Pleco

Green Phantom Pleco
Green Phantom Pleco
Scientific Name Hemiancistrus subviridis
Size Up to 12 inches
Life Span 8-10 years
Location South America
Diet Herbivorous, eats algae and plant matter.

One of those breeds, the Green Phantom Pleco, has a unique olive green body coloring that is complemented by yellowish fins and creamy golden patches, living up to its hip common name.

The many environments that the fish inhabit inside the Orinoco River system are reflected in their different colors.

In fact, there are specimens with altered colorations of both the Green and Blue Phantom Plecos that are discovered residing in between the various river habitats.

12. Green Humphead Parrotfish

Scientific Name Bolbometopon muricatum
Size Up to 1.3 meters (4.3 feet)
Life Span Up to 40 years
Location Indo-Pacific region, including the Red Sea and the Great Barrier Reef
Diet Algae, coral, sponges, and other small invertebrates

Unlike other parrotfish, it has a vertical head profile and is entirely covered in scales, with the exception of the leading edge of the head, which is frequently bright green.

The color of the primary phase is a dismal gray with sporadic white specks that progressively changes to consistently dark green. This species doesn’t exhibit sex-specific color change patterns.

The adult has a rounded forehead, and the lips are only partially covering the teeth plates, leaving them exposed. The species has delayed reproduction and poor replenishment rates, moderate growth, and a longer lifespan (up to 40 years).

13. Green Killifish

Green Killifish
Green Killifish | Credit: Linro1 (commons.wikimedia) (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Scientific Name Fundulopanchax sjoestedti
Size Up to 2.5 inches
Life Span 2-3 years
Location West Africa (Cameroon, Nigeria, and Gabon)
Diet Insects, small crustaceans, and zooplankton

Killifish come in a broad variety of looks. The brilliant colors and patterns are one thing that most of them do share. Most killifish have flat tops, and the males are significantly brighter than the females.

Their teeth are long, curved, and pointed, and their mouths are either at the top of their faces or below.

14. Green Clown Goby

Scientific Name Congrogadus subducens
Size Up to 1.5 inches (4 cm)
Life Span Up to 5 years
Location Indo-Pacific Ocean
Diet Carnivorous, feeds on small crustaceans and other invertebrates

Little, stocky fish with a big head. Its head has orange vertical stripes and is yellow to greenish-tan. They swim and hide amid polyp corals in reef aquariums, making them a pleasant addition.

15. Green Wolf Eel

Scientific Name Congrogadus subducens
Size Up to 1 meter (3.3 feet)
Life Span
Up to 20 years
Location Pacific Ocean (mainly in the waters of Japan, Taiwan, and the Philippines)
Diet Crustaceans, fish, and mollusks

The color varies greatly (green, brown, black, or bluish; frequently with spots or blotches), and the carpet eel-blenny can change it to match the environment.

The carpet eel-blenny is occasionally found in the marine aquarium trade, but it is a predator that eats crustaceans and smaller fish.

Our post on “Find 15 Gorgeous Green Fish” comes to a close right here. Hope you enjoy our article. With yet another intriguing article, we will return. Stay connected with us until then.


  • Wikipedia
  • Best green aquarium fish by
  • Fishes for beautiful aquarium by

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