List of 15 Orange And Black Lizards in The World (2023)

The lizard family is one of the most diverse in the animal kingdom, with nearly 7,000 recognized species. Diversity extends beyond differences in outward appearance to include dietary preferences and foraging strategies.

These critters are constants if you have a garden or a grassy area to relax. One could see one enjoying a fruit or insect snack or relaxing in the sun.

Body patterns in lizards are used for both inter and intra-specific recognition. This article will discuss 15 orange and black lizards from around the world.

Are There Any Orange and Black Lizards in Florida? 

Yes, Florida has numerous lizard species, including orange and black varieties. The six-lined racerunner (Aspidoscelis sexlineata) is a common species recognized by its black body and six yellowish-orange stripes running down its back.

Other Orange and Black lizards that found in Florida are southeastern five-lined skink (Plestiodon inexpectatus), and ground skink (Scincella lateral)

List of 15 Orange And Black Lizards in The World

1. Gila Monster

Gila Monster
Gila Monster
Scientific Name Heloderma suspectum
Common Name Gila Monster
Size 16-24 inches (41-61 cm)
Habitat Desert scrublands, rocky areas, and canyons
Diet Small mammals, birds, eggs, and occasionally carrion
Geographical Location Southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico, including Arizona, Nevada, Utah, California, and Sonora

Similar to the beaded lizards from further south, the head, back, and tail scales possess tiny pearl-shaped bones (osteoderms). There are no osteoderms on the belly scales.

Before laying their eggs, female Gila monsters undergo a complete shed that lasts for around two weeks. Frequently, the dorsal portion sheds in one hefty chunk.

In August, adult males typically shed their hair in smaller chunks. The young appear to be constantly losing skin. Adults have mostly black surfaces with yellow to orange hues. Hatchlings have a standardized, uncomplicated, and less vibrant pattern.

2. Leopard Gecko

Leopard Gecko
Leopard Gecko
Scientific Name Eublepharis macularius
Common Name Leopard Gecko
Size 20-28 cm
Habitat Arid and semi-arid regions, rocky deserts, and dry grasslands
Diet Feed on crickets, mealworms, waxworms, and occasionally pinkie mice
Geographical Location Afghanistan, Pakistan, and parts of India. They are also found in captivity worldwide as popular pets.

The movable eyelids of leopard geckos set them apart from other geckos. No other gecko species have eyelids; they all use transparent membranes to protect their eyes.

Leopard geckos are relatively giant lizards due to their fat tails and broad heads. Captive-bred leopard geckos come in a wide variety of skin tones and patterns.

Leopard geckos have rough skin on their back and bellies but are smooth. Spots or thick horizontal ways similar to a leopard’s mark are standard.

3. Fire Skink

Fire Skink
Fire Skink
Scientific Name Mochlus fernandi
Common Name Fire Skink
Size 35 cm
Habitat Savannas, woodlands, and forests. They prefer abundant leaf litter, dense ground cover, and nearby water sources.
Diet Variety of insects, including crickets, mealworms, waxworms, and roaches.
Geographical Location West and Central Africa, including Nigeria, Cameroon, and Ghana.

The fire skink can grow 37 cm (15 in) in length, making it one of the longest skink species (including tail). Its bright colors are the most striking feature of its appearance.

The fire skink’s back is covered in shiny gold scales, and its sides are marked with orange and black bars on a silver background. Males are typically stockier than females and have wider jaws and slightly flatter heads.

4. Gargoyle Gecko

Scientific Name Rhacodactylus auriculatus
Common Name Gargoyle Gecko
Size 18-25 cm
Habitat Gargoyle geckos are arboreal and are found in the tropical rainforests of New Caledonia.
Diet Insects, fruits, nectars, and even small vertebrates.
Geographical Location New Caledonia

Commonly known as “horn lizards,” this lizard’s scientific name, auriculatus, comes from the Latin word for “ears” or “earned,” depending on the context.

At hatching, it measures only an inch from snout to vent and weighs 3 grams; by adulthood, it has grown to an average of 7 to 9 inches in length and 60 to 70 grams in weight.

This gecko also has small adhesive toe pads and a prehensile tail that can grow back if it gets lost. Most of these geckos can’t climb smooth surfaces like glass, despite their ability to grip vines, branches, and other obstacles.

They fall somewhere between the category of small and medium geckos.

5. Broad-headed skink

Broad-headed skink
Broad-headed skink
Scientific Name Plestiodon laticeps
Common Name Broad-headed Skink
Size 8-13 inches (20-33 cm)
Habitat Forested areas, rocky hillsides, and bluffs
Diet Insects, spiders, and other invertebrates; occasionally small vertebrates
Geographical Location Eastern United States, ranging from New York to Florida, west to Missouri and Texas

The broad-headed skink gets its name from its broad jaws, which give the head a triangular shape. Adult males are brown or olive brown in color, with bright orange heads during the spring mating season.

Females, like the Five-lined Skink, have five light stripes running down the back and tail. They are distinguished by the presence of five labial scales around the mouth, whereas Five-lined skinks have only four. Juveniles are dark brown or black in color, with striped tails and blue tails.

6. Golden Tegu

Scientific Name Tupinambis teguixin
Common Name Golden Tegu, Black and Gold Tegu
Size 90-120 cm
Habitat Tropical rainforests, savannas, and grasslands. They prefer areas with high humidity, such as near water sources, and are often found near rivers and streams.
Diet Fruits, insects, small mammals, and eggs.
Geographical Location Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Argentina.

Among the many names for the tegu species is “golden tegu,” which is also known as “common tegu,” “black tegu,” “Colombia’s black and white tegu,” and “tiger lizard” (in Trinidad).

Previously known by the synonym Tupinambis nigropunctatus, the name Tupinambis teguixin has been adopted.

Average adult gold tegus reach a length of 2.3 to 3.3 feet (60 to 100 centimeters), weigh 3.5 to 4.0 kilograms, and have a glossy body, strong limbs, and a thick tail.

Gold tegus can be found in the humid forests of Panama and the northern and central parts of South America. All over their bodies are black and gold stripes.

Fish, nesting eggs of birds, turtles, caimans, and sometimes even fruit and honey make up a small portion of their diet, along with insects, other invertebrates (like snails), small mammals, other reptiles (like smaller lizards and small snakes), and birds.

7. South Indian or Peninsular Rock Agama

Peninsular Rock Agamas
Peninsular Rock Agamas
Scientific Name Psammophilus dorsalis
Common Name Black Spiny-tailed Iguana
Size Up to 10 cm
Habitat Rocky areas, scrublands, open forests
Diet Insects, spiders, other small invertebrates
Geographical Location India (Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala)

Young and females have an olive-brown coloration with dark brown spots, specks, or marbling along with a row of white, elongated patches running down either side of the back.

The male has yellowish-orange lips that extend as a strip past the ear, with pale brownish or orange color on the top of his head and back.

Below the eye, a black lateral stripe spreads out to encompass the lower sides. The throat is grey with a golden throat on the underside.

8. Oriental garden lizard

Oriental Garden lizard
Oriental Garden lizard
Scientific Name Calotes versicolor
Common Name Oriental garden lizard
Size Up to 39 cm (15 in)
Habitat Trees, bushes, gardens, and parks
Diet Insects, spiders, small vertebrates, and fruit
Geographical Location Southeast Asia, India, Sri Lanka

The male’s head and shoulders turn bright orange to crimson during the breeding season, and his throat turns black. Males will also turn red-headed after a successful battle with their opponents.

Both males and females have a crest that extends from the head to almost the tail, giving rise to their other common name, “crested tree lizard.”

They do not drop their tails (autotomy), unlike some other lizards, and their tails can be very long, stiff, and pointy. They shed their skins like other reptiles. Changeable lizards, like chameleons, can move their eyes in different directions.

9. Sungazer Lizard

Sungazer Lizard
Sungazer Lizard
Scientific Name Smaug giganteus
Common Name Sungazer Lizard
Size 30 cm
Habitat Rocky, grassy areas in the highveld regions of South Africa, particularly in the provinces of Mpumalanga, Limpopo, and Gauteng.
Diet Insects, particularly ants, will also consume other invertebrates, such as spiders and scorpions.
Geographical Location South Africa

The sungazer is the most prominent sub-Saharan African lizard family member, the Cordylidae. It is also known as the giant girdled lizard, giant dragon lizard, ouvolk, and giant zonure.

Highveld grasslands in central South Africa are the only known home of this endangered species.

Based on a comprehensive molecular phylogeny of the Cordylidae, it was moved to the new genus Smaug in 2011, along with seven other species previously placed in the genus Cordylus.

10. Central Bearded Dragon

Scientific Name Pogona barbata
Common Name Central Bearded Dragon
Size 60 cm
Habitat Arid and rocky regions, including woodlands, scrublands, and deserts
Diet Insects, small mammals, and plants
Geographical Location Queensland, New South Wales, and Victoria.

The head is triangular and quite large. Slenderness and dorsoventral flattening characterize the thorax and abdomen. An impressive “beard” of spiny, dark grey scales covers the throat and can be raised.

The back of the head, the corners of the mouth, the openings to the external ears, and the posterior surfaces of both sides of the abdomen all feature clusters of even longer spiny scales.

Skin color can range from orange to grey-black to brown to yellow-brown to dark brown. Young animals have more subtle patterns and are generally paler in color than their mature counterparts.

The animal’s forehead gradually takes on a light yellow, blue, or green hue as it ages. A yellowish-to-orange shade can be seen on an excited creature’s head, flanks, and legs.

However, they are typically dark, ranging from orange to grey and black. The mucosa, or mouth lining, is generally a vibrant orange.

11. Green Iguana

Green Iguana
Green Iguana | Credit: Ajoshi54 commons.wikimedia (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Scientific Name Iguana iguana
Common Name Green Iguana
Size Up to 6 feet (1.8 meters)
Habitat Forests, jungles, and riversides
Diet Herbivorous, eats leaves, fruits, and flowers
Geographical Location Central and South America, the Caribbean

Despite their name, green iguanas come in a variety of colors and shapes. Green iguanas appear bluish in color with bold blue markings in southern countries of their range, such as Peru.

A green iguana’s color can range from green to lavender, black, and even reddish brown on islands such as Bonaire, Curaçao, Aruba, and Grenada.

Green iguanas from Costa Rica’s western region are red, while animals from northern ranges, such as Mexico, are orange. El Salvadoran juvenile green iguanas are frequently bright blue, but lose this color as they grow older.

12. Flame Crested Gecko

Scientific Name Correlophus ciliatus
Common Name Flame crested gecko
Size 7-9 inches (18-23 cm)
Habitat Trees and shrubs in rainforests, rocky outcrops, and grasslands
Diet Insects, fruit, and nectar
Geographical Location New Caledonia

Flame morphs are one type of crested gecko. This is a one-of-a-kind variation that did not occur naturally; it was created through deliberate breeding efforts.

Flame crested geckos have two distinct colors. They have a base color that dominates their coloring and a contrasting second color that is much lighter than the base color.

The lizard’s limbs and sides will have little to no patterning, though the top may have some. Orange and yellow, yellow and cream, and black and orange are all popular Flame color combinations.

13. Rhinoceros Iguana

Rhinoceros Iguana
Rhinoceros Iguana
Scientific Name Cyclura cornuta
Common Name Rhinoceros iguana
Size 4.5 feet
Habitat Rocky, arid regions of the Caribbean islands, including the Dominican Republic and Haiti. They prefer dry forests, rocky hillsides, and coastal dunes.
Diet Leaves, fruits, flowers, and insects. They may occasionally consume small vertebrates as well.
Geographical Location Parque Nacional Jaragua and the Parque Nacional del Este.

The rhinoceros iguana is a giant, heavy-headed lizard with powerful legs and a vertically flattened tail, typical of the genus Cyclura. A crest of sharply pointed horned scales is from the base of their neck to the end of their seat.

They all look the same drab shade of black-orange. Adults typically range in weight from 4.56 to 9 kilograms (10.1 to 19.8 lb). Rhinoceros iguanas, like all reptiles, are cold-blooded, meaning they need external sources to heat themselves; therefore, they migrate with the sun’s rays.

The snouts of these iguanas develop bony tubercles that are reminiscent of horns. Males have a large dewlap and a fatty pad in the shape of a helmet on the back of the head.

Like other Cyclura species, males of this species are significantly larger than females and feature more prominent, more pronounced dorsal crests and ‘horns’ as well as large femoral pores on their thighs, through which they release pheromones to attract a mate.

14. Moroccan Uromastyx

Scientific Name Uromastyx acanthinura
Common Name Moroccan Uromastyx or Moroccan Spiny-tailed Lizard
Size 30-45 cm
Habitat Deserts, semi-deserts, and rocky hillsides.
Diet Leaves, flowers, and fruits. They also eat insects occasionally.
Geographical Location North Africa, specifically in Morocco, as well as Algeria and Tunisia.

The average length of a newborn or hatchling is 7-10 cm (3-4 in). Their dull, dark appearance in colder months is due to their darker pigmentation, which helps their skin absorb sunlight more efficiently.

However, their colors become lighter in warmer months, especially when basking, like many other reptiles.

Muscular and weighty, their spiked tail can be swung at an attacker with great speed, often accompanied by hissing and an open mouth display of (small) teeth.

Whenever possible, Uromastyx will sleep with their tails pointed away from the entrance to their burrows.

15. Six-lined racerunner

Six-lined racerunner
Six-lined racerunner
Scientific Name Aspidoscelis sexlineata
Common Name Six-lined Racerunner
Size 15-21 cm
Habitat Found in open, rocky areas with sparse vegetation, such as prairies, savannas, and rocky hillsides.
Diet Insects, spiders, and other small invertebrates
Geographical Location The central and eastern United States, ranging from Minnesota and Iowa to Texas and Florida.

The six-lined racerunner is characterized by six vertical orange or green-yellow stripes running the length of its body. 

Females typically have a white underbelly, while males have a pale blue one. Males can occasionally have a greenish tint to their throats. They have long, thin tails almost as long as their bodies.


  • Wikipedia, Youtube
  • Amazing types of lizard Outphoria

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