10 Complete Blue Birds In the World With Identification

I think the most attractive feature of animals is their coloration. We learned about animals in childhood by their colors, like a blue bird, a green bird, and so on.

My experience is similar. I was and still am attracted by these gorgeous animals and their colors. Last week, on my way to the department, I saw a beautiful blue bird. I discovered that this lovely bird is a blue whistling thrush.

I studied their behavior and looks, compiled a list of additional full bluebirds, and decided to share it with you all. So here’s a list of ten full-blue birds that you might like.

10 Blue Birds In the World

1. Blue whistling thrush 

Blue whistling thrush 
Blue whistling thrush  | Credit: Nrik kiran (commons.wikimedia) CC BY-SA 4.0
Scientific name   Myophonus caeruleus
Size  31–35 cm
Geographic location  Central Asia, South Asia, China, and Southeast Asia
Identification  Have shiny spangling on the tips of the body feathers

The first blue bird we have on our list is Myophonus caeruleus, commonly known as the Blue Whistling Thrush.

These beautiful birds are known for their whistling sounds, which are quite similar to those of humans. These birds have an exquisite beauty that makes you fall in love with them.

They are dark purplish blue in color with shiny dotes or spangling on the tips of their body feathers, which make them really incredible. 

In November, you may see them more regularly in Central Asia, South Asia, China, and Southeast Asia.

2. Cape Starling

Cape Starling
Cape Starling
Scientific name   Lamprotornis nitens
Size  up to 25 cm 
Geographic location  South Africa, Angola, Botswana, Gabon, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Identification  Have blue head with darker ear coverts 

Red-shouldered glossy starling or Cape starling are some of the common names of Lamprotornis nitens.

This bright, glossy blue bird can attain a size of up to 25 cm. Their heads are blue with dark ear coverts. During the non-breeding season, these gregarious birds congregate in big groups.

Yellow eyes are a distinguishing trait of these lovely ladies. Their young stages have matt plumage that changes color over time.

3. Hyacinth macaw

Hyacinth macaw
Hyacinth macaw
Scientific name   Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus 
Size  up to 1 m
Geographic location   Central and Eastern South America
Identification   Have yellow eye ring and bill base

The next blue bird species we have on our list is the Hyacinth macaw, scientifically known as Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus. The Hyacinth macaw is the largest parrot in the world and can attain a size of up to 1 m.

They are completely blue, save for a brilliant yellow ring around their eyes and a yellow area under their beak. It mostly consumes nut species, particularly palm species.

They are reported to use tools in the wild as well as in captivity. You can find them in central and eastern South America.

4. Blue-gray tanager 

Blue-gray tanager
Blue-gray tanager
Scientific name   Thraupis episcopus 
Size  16–18 cm
Geographic location   Mexico, Central America, and the Northern part of South America 
Identification  light blue head and underparts 

Blue-gray tanagers are a blue bird species commonly found in Mexico, Central America, and the northern part of South America. As their name suggests, they exhibit blue-gray plumage.

They have characteristically bright blue heads and upperparts with pale grayish blue underparts. They are known to visit fruiting trees and flowers to forage for food.

5. Mountain bluebird

Mountain bluebird
Mountain bluebird
Scientific name   Sialia currucoides 
Size   6 to 7 inches
Geographic location   Western North America
Identification   Have a white ring around their eyes.

Meet this state bird of Idaho and Nevada. In Western North America, these mountain blue birds are very common.

These beautiful birds exhibit bright blue plumage. Males are brighter in color than females.

These medium-sized birds, with an average size of 6 to 7 inches, are monogamous. The diet of these beauties is composed of insects, berries, and fruit seeds.

6. Lear’s macaw

Scientific name   Anodorhynchus leari 
Size  70–75 cm
Geographic location   Brazil
Identification  It’s a blue macaw with yellow facial skin 

Here is the Hyacinth Macaw twin, Lear’s Macaw. They are so similar in appearance that people often get confused between them.

They are metallic blue with yellow eye rings. Lear’s macaws primarily feed on the nuts of licuri palms. According to the IUCN Red List, they are considered endangered.

7.  Little blue heron

Scientific name   Egretta caerulea 
Size  up to 29 inches
Geographic location   Western Hemisphere in North America, Central America, West Indies, and South America
Identification  mostly grayish-blue with a contrasting deep purplish head and neck.

The little blue heron is a medium-sized bird that can attain a size of up to 29 inches and exhibits beautiful blue hues.

In their juvenile stage, they are white in color, and gradually they turn bluish gray with a two-toned bill as they age.

They were found in the western hemisphere of North America, Central America, the West Indies and South America, inhabiting various wetlands habitats such as freshwater and brackish marshes, ponds, rivers, estuaries, and coastal areas.

8. Indigo Bunting

Scientific name   Passerina cyanea 
Size  4.5-5.9 inches
Geographic location  North America and South America
Identification   Have shiny silvery-gray bill 

Passerina cyanea, commonly known as Indigo hunting, is a small, incredibly colored songbird native to North and South America.

Males of this species occur in vibrant cerulean blue hues, especially when they are trying to attract their mate.

These beautiful buddies migrate at night and use stars for navigation. They usually construct cup-shaped nests in dense shrubs or small trees.

9. Nilgiri flycatcher

Scientific name   Eumyias albicaudatus
Size   up to 13 cm
Geographic location   Nilgiris, Palni Hills, Anaimalai Hills, the Brahmagiri, Bababudan Hills, and Biligiriranga Hills
Identification   they are steely indigo blue in color

Nilgiri Hills are not only famous for their coffee plantations but also for these really cool and beautiful birdies.

These old-world flycatchers are small birds with an average size of up to 13 cm. Talking about their appearance, males are dark steely indigo blue in color, whereas females are dull in color.

These birds are known for their agility and active behavior while foraging.

10. Great Blue Turaco

Scientific name   Corythaeola cristata
Size   70 to 76 cm
Geographic location   Africa
Identification   Bright blue bird with yellow beak with red tip 

The Great Blue Turaco is our final member of this list of ten full blue birds. These are the amazing birds found in Sub-Saharan Africa.

These birds are distinguished by their huge size, remarkable appearance, and vibrant colors.

They have a vivid blue body and a prominent yellow beak with a red tip. These sociable diurnal birds dislike migration.


This concludes my post on ten full blue birds. This post will go over these lovely creatures.

From the vibrant plumage of the Great Blue Turaco to the striking coloration of the Blue Whistling Thrush, we’ve compiled a list of all the blue-feathered species’ best features.

There will be another post soon; in the meantime, enjoy these natural wonders.

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