15 Uncommon Black And White Ducks With Red Beaks (List)

How unfair it is to have put ducks in the white bird category when there can be a plethora of colorful ducks to spot around you! Like me, if you only imagined ducks to be white with a distinct yellow beak, then join me on this journey as we dive into the world of black and white ducks with red beaks!

Here, I have not just one, but 15 of the most beautiful black and white ducks with their distinct and eye-catching red beaks that are sure to make you take a second look. This list comprises ducks found around the globe, so you can be sure to find one of these in your locality. Without any further ado, let’s jump straight into it!

15 Uncommon Black And White Ducks With Red Beaks

1) Black-bellied whistling duck

Scientific Name Dendrocygna autumnalis
Size 47 to 56 cm
Geographic Location Southernmost United States, Mexico, and tropical Central to south-central South America
Identification Easily identified by their captivating black-and-white plumage, red beaks, and unique social behaviors.

Black-bellied whistling ducks are known for their striking black-and-white coloration with a red beak.

These ducks form large, gregarious flocks when not breeding and spend time socializing with their fellow ducks.

As their name implies, these ducks are excellent whistlers. Their “waa-chooo” call rings through the air.

Black-bellied whistling ducks are known for their strong monogamous pair bonds, often staying together for many years.

2) Red-billed teal

Scientific Name Anas erythrorhyncha
Size 43 to 48 cm
Geographic Location Southern and Eastern Africa
Identification Black and white ducks with white bellies and red beaks

Red-billed teals are known for their elegant black and white feathers with bright red beaks with a black marking on top of them.

After the breeding season, they are known to form grand flocks.

The male red-billed teal is known to attract potential mates with its distinct “whzzt” call.

It is a nocturnal bird and prefers to hunt during the night.

3) Rosy-billed pochard

Scientific Name Netta peposaca
Size About 22 inches
Geographic Location Native to South America
Identification Snowy white-faced ducks with red beak

Rosy-billed pochards are known for their striking sexual dimorphism. Males display a beautiful purple-black head, neck, and breast, accompanied by gray sides.

In contrast, females are more discreet, with dull brown plumage, a bluish-gray bill with a black tip, and a notably white crissum.

Males sport a bright red bill with a rounded knob, whose color is accentuated during the mating season.

Their blunt-tipped wings require faster wing-beats compared to many other ducks, making their take-off a bit tricky.

4) Mandarin duck

Scientific Name Aix galericulata
Size 41–49 cm in length, with a wingspan of 65–75 cm
Geographic Location Native to the East Palearctic
Identification Males have distinctive red and white plumage, with a vibrant red bill, a white crescent above the eye

The male mandarin duck has a vibrant and eye-catching appearance. It has a petite, red beak and a striking white crescent above his eye, and specks of black giving him an elegant “eyebrow.”

In many Asian cultures, mandarin ducks symbolize love, fidelity, and wedded bliss.

In Chinese culture, they are known as “yuan-yang,” representing a loving couple, and are often featured in art and weddings.

Mandarin ducks are a bit secretive when it comes to their nesting habits. They choose to nest in cavities in trees near water, making their homes in densely wooded areas.

5) Common shelduck

Scientific Name Tadorna tadorna
Size 55 to 63 cm
Geographic Location Euro-Siberian region of the Palearctic
Identification It has a reddish-pink bill, pink feet, a white body with chestnut patches, and a black belly.

The common shelduck boasts a reddish-pink bill, pink feet, a white body adorned with chestnut patches, and a distinctive black belly.

They can nest in a variety of locations, including rabbit burrows, tree holes, haystacks, and similar spots.

During moulting periods, common shelducks can form impressively large flocks, with numbers reaching up to 100,000 birds in places like the Wadden Sea.

6) Muscovy duck

Scientific Name Cairina moschata
Size Approximately 76 cm
Geographic Location Native to America
Identification They have distinctive caruncles (fleshy, warty growths) on their faces, particularly in males

Muscovy ducks are elegant birds with contrasting black and white coats. They have glossy black feathers with white wing patches and red beaks.

While they are native to tropical regions, they can thrive in cooler climates, enduring temperatures as low as 10°F (-12°C).

The name may have originated from the birds’ distinctive musky odor, which is especially noticeable in males.

Muscovy ducks are prized for their meat, which is known for its robust flavor, often compared to roast beef. Their lean and tender meat makes them a preferred choice for culinary purposes.

7) Long-Tailed duck

Scientific Name Clangula hyemalis
Size 17.5 to 23.5 inches
Geographic Location Tundra and taiga regions of the Arctic
Identification Long pointed tail and a dark grey bill with a pinkish-red band.

The Long-tailed duck, known for its unique and striking appearance, stands out with a black and white coloration and neck with a dark cheek patch, and a dark breast.

During the breeding season, male Long-tailed ducks get more darker in appearance with a dark head, neck, and back.

Males are known for their melodious calls, which are often described as a musical yodel. You can find them singing “ow, ow, owal-ow”.

While it is not new for ducks to be great swimmers, the long-tailed ducks are the only ones to use their wings to dive, allowing them to explore the underwater world more greatly.

8) Red-Crested Pochard

Scientific Name Netta rufina
Size Medium-sized birds
Geographic Location Southern Europe and extending into Asia
Identification Males have a bright orange head, red bill, and black breast

Adult males sport a distinctive round, vibrant orange head, a striking red bill, and a black breast.

Female Red-crested pochards have a pale brown body, contrasting darker back and crown, and a subtle whitish face.

They breed in lowland marshes and lakes in southern Europe, extending into regions from the Black Sea to Central Asia and Mongolia.

In winter they embark on journeys to warmer destinations, including the Indian Subcontinent and Africa.

9) Wood duck

Scientific Name Aix sponsa
Size 47 to 54 cm in length, with a wingspan of 66 to 73 cm
Geographic Location Various parts of North America
Identification Adult male wood ducks have red eyes, and a white streak running down their neck.

Adult male wood ducks sport deep red eyes, dark red beak, and a white streak down their neck. Females have a more understated appearance with a white eye ring and a whitish throat.

Both genders have distinctive crests on their heads, and the speculum on their wings is iridescent blue-green.

They typically build their nests in tree cavities close to water. These nests are carefully lined with feathers and soft materials for comfort and warmth.

While some stay in the southern part of America, others migrate south for the winter.

If nesting boxes are placed too close together, females may lay their eggs in their neighbors’ nests, leading to an unusual scenario called “nest dumping.”

10) White-Cheeked Pintail

Scientific Name Anas bahamensis
Size A medium-sized duck
Geographic Location Caribbean, South America, and the Galápagos Islands
Identification It has a brown coloration, white cheeks, and a distinct red-based grey bill

White Cheeked Pintail is known to inhabit areas with some salinity, such as brackish lakes, estuaries, and scenic mangrove swamps.

Both male and female white-cheeked pintails have a brown body with white cheeks and red-grey bills.

They feed on a wide variety of food including aquatic plants, grass seeds, algae, insects, and small aquatic invertebrates.

11) King Eider

Scientific Name Somateria spectabilis
Size 50–70 cm
Geographic Location Northeast Europe, North America, and Asia
Identification Identified by their unique crown-like knob on the bill.

Their common name, “King Eider,” perfectly suits them due to the orange knob above the male’s red bill, which gives them a distinctive crown-like appearance.

They display a certain degree of sexual dimorphism. Males are slightly larger and much more colorful than the females.

Males have a multicolored head with pale bluish-gray, pale green cheeks, and a distinctive red bill.

During the breeding season in June and July, they embark on a journey to the Arctic tundra for nesting.

12) Red-breasted merganser

Scientific Name Mergus serrator
Size Approximately 51–64 cm long, with a wingspan of 66–74 cm
Geographic Location Native to North America
Identification Males have dark heads, green sheen, white neck, and rusty breast.

During the breeding season, males flaunt their dark heads, with a green sheen, and a white neck adorned by a rusty breast and red beak.

They have the serrated bill that helps them hold onto slippery fish.

The red-breasted merganser is known for its super speed. One individual set a record by reaching a top airspeed of 100 mph while being pursued by an airplane.

When it’s not breeding season, they form flocks, sometimes reaching up to 100 members.

13) Cape Teal

Scientific Name Anas capensis
Size 44–46 cm
Geographic Location Sub-Saharan Africa
Identification Pale, grayish appearance and distinctive red-pink bills

The Cape teal are known for their pale and mainly gray appearance with red-pink bills, adding a beautiful touch of color.

Cape teals are essentially non-migratory but are known to be opportunistic travelers after the rains.

They prefer a solitary lifestyle, rarely seen in large groups except during molting, where they may gather in flocks of up to 2000

14) Torrent duck

Scientific Name Merganetta armata
Size Around 43–46 cm
Geographic Location South America
Identification It has black and white patterns on its body with red bill

The male torrent duck has an elegant black and white head with distinct patterns on the neck and striking red bills.

These ducks are prolific swimmers and divers, even in challenging harsh water conditions.

The male members are known to serenade the rivers with a shrill whistle, while the females have a softer voice.

They are residents of the Andes in South America, usually found nesting in waterside caves and other sheltered spots.

15) Common Mergansers

Scientific Name Mergus merganser
Size 23-28.5 inches in length with wingspans of 30.5-38 inches
Geographic Location They inhabit rivers and lakes in forested areas of Europe, Asia, and North America.
Identification Males are black-headed with sawbill beaks

Common Mergansers have a distinct black head with red beak and orange-red feet.

These ducks are known as the “sawbills” because of their serrated bills, which help them grip their prey.

When in the air, common mergansers exhibit some impressive aerial skills that cannot be missed.

Common mergansers are known for their nocturnal habits, hunting, and fishing during the night.


This concludes another captivating article on the various duck varieties you can spot in your neighborhood. These colorful birds captivate you not only with their beauty but also with their survival instincts and wanderlust. Stay tuned as we bring you new articles every single day!

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