Identifying All Spiders in Washington, According To Spider ID (With some interesting facts about spiders)

Washington is not only a city of monuments and memorials, but it also holds a great biodiversity, which makes this state distinct. While searching for spiders, I learned about the different spider species found in Washington. These spider species are so interesting that you will be astounded to learn about their incredible stories.

I got spellbound by learning about these enchanting creatures. Here is a list of 31 spiders found in Washington, according to Spider ID. So let us begin this fantastic voyage with spiders.

All Spiders in Washington

1. Alopecosa kochi

Scientific name Alopecosa kochi
Size 6.6 to 11 mm
Identification It has a broad white central band down the middle of its carapace
Diet in the Wild Crickets, grasshoppers, beetles, flies and other spiders


2. Cross Orb-weaver

Scientific name Araneus diadematus
Size 5.5 to 20 mm
Identification It has white markings on its abdomen and a cross-pattern
Diet in the Wild Primarily Flying insects

3. Cat-faced spider

Scientific name Araneus gemmoides
Size 0.2 to 0.98 inches
Identification The center pattern on the abdomen forms the face-like pattern
Diet in the Wild Insects, Other Arachnids, and cannibalism are also seen

4. Araneus saevus

Scientific name Araneus saevus
Size 14 to 15 mm
Identification They have median lines and humps on their abdomen on the dorsal side
Diet in the Wild flies and other forest insects

5. Six-spotted Orb-weaver

Scientific name Araniella displicata
Size 4 to 8 mm
Identification They have six black spots, which are lined with lighter colors and are present on the abdomen
Diet in the Wild small insects like beetles, plant bugs, and flies

6. Banded Garden Spider

Banded Garden Spider
Banded Garden Spider
Scientific name Argiope trifasciata
Size 4 to 20 mm
Identification It has silvery setae that are present on its back
Diet in the Wild aphids, flies, grasshoppers, and Hymenoptera

7. Callobius severus

Scientific name Callobius severus
Size up to 19 mm
Identification They have reddish-brown legs and cephalothorax
Diet in the Wild Invertebrates like pill bugs

8. Long-legged Sac spider

Long-legged Sac spider
Long-legged Sac spider
Scientific name Cheiracanthium mildei
Size 7 to 10 mm
Identification The groove on the Carapace is absent and the first pair of legs are the longest
Diet in the Wild flies, moths, crickets, and insects

9. Woodlouse Hunter

Scientific name Dysdera crocata
Size 9 to 15 mm
Identification They have tightly arranged six eyes and long fangs
Diet in the Wild woodlice, silverfish, earwigs, millipedes, burying beetles and crickets

10. Candy-striped spider

Scientific name Enoplognatha ovata 
Size up to 6 mm
Identification They have translucent legs and creamish white abdomen with different color markings
Diet in the Wild Pollinating Bees and Flies

11. Hobo spider

Scientific name Eratigena agrestis
Size 8 to 15 mm
Identification They have a herringbone pattern on the dorsal side of the abdomen
Diet in the Wild House flies, Cockroaches, Silverfish, Beetles, Praying mantises, Black and yellow dauber wasps

12. Giant house spider

Giant house spider
Giant house spider
Scientific name Eratigena atrica
Size 12 to 18 mm
Identification Have swollen palps at their leg ends
Diet in the Wild crickets, flies, moths, invertebrates, and small birds

13. Eratigena duellica

Eratigena duellica
Eratigena duellica | Credit: John Blackwall (commons.wikimedia)
Scientific name Eratigena duellica
Size 10 to 18 mm
Identification They have yellow median stripes that are present all across the body
Diet in the Wild Flies, moths, crickets, invertebrates, small birds, bedbugs, cockroaches, and earwigs

14. Western Parson spider

Scientific name Herpyllus propinquus
Size up to 8.42 mm
Identification They have a white or silvery stripe on the back of the abdomen
Diet in the Wild crickets, ants, grasshoppers, and other invertebrates

15. Larinioides patagiatus

Scientific name Larinioides patagiatus
Size 5.5 to 11 mm
Identification They have yellow to brown abdomens with dark folium markings on dorsal side
Diet in the Wild Chironomids

16. Golden-rod Crab spider

Scientific name Misumena vatia
Size 3 to 9 mm
Identification They have white abdomens with two colored stripes
Diet in the Wild insects

17. Eared Dome sheet-web spider

Scientific name Neriene digna
Size 3.5 to 5 mm
Identification They have a pair of large discs near mouthparts that look like ears
Diet in the Wild Pollen and nectar-feeding insects

18. Sierra Dome spider

Scientific name Neriene litigiosa
Size 5 to 8 mm
Identification They have a white abdomen with a black median stripe all across it
Diet in the Wild On some flies

19. Phanias harfordi

Scientific name Phanias harfordi
Size Up to 5 mm
Identification It has a white margin on its abdomen
Diet in the Wild Insects and other small arthropods

20. Bold jumper

Scientific name Phidippus audax
Size 6 to 15 mm
Identification They have big eyes and are iridescent blue Jaws
Diet in the Wild Insects and other spiders

21. Johnson Jumping spider

Scientific name Phidippus johnsoni
Size 9 to 14 mm
Identification They have a bright red abdomen
Diet in the Wild  flies, bugs, moth caterpillars, and other spiders

22. Long-bodied Cellar spider

Scientific name Pholcus phalangioides
Size 6 to 10 mm
Identification They have thin and elongated legs
Diet in the Wild insects, other spiders, and other small invertebrates

23. Zebra jumper

Scientific name Salticus scenicus
Size 4 to 7 mm
Identification They have black or brown abdomen with white markings that give them a zebra-like appearance.
Diet in the Wild Other spiders, moths, mosquitoes, and other arthropods

24. Mouse spider

Scientific name Scotophaeus blackwalli
Size 9 to 12 mm
Identification Their hairy abdomen resembles mouse furs
Diet in the Wild ants, beetles, tiny reptiles, and frogs

25. Scytodes thoracica

Scientific name Scytodes thoracica
Size 3 to 6 mm
Identification They have dark patterns on light-colored legs
Diet in the Wild Moths, Flies, other spiders, household bugs, and their own eggs (sometimes)

26. Sergiolus montanus

Scientific name Sergiolus montanus
Size 6 to 10 mm
Identification They can be identified by observing their genitalia
Diet in the Wild insects and other small invertebrates

27. White-spotted False Widow

Scientific name Steatoda albomaculata
Size 3.3 to 6.5 mm
Identification They have a white-reddish pattern on their dark Opisthosoma
Diet in the Wild flies, mosquitoes, moths, ants, and other insects

28. Rabbit-Hutch Spider

Scientific name Steatoda bipunctata


4.4 to 7.3 mm
Identification They have dark stripes on their legs and a light band is present on the center of their abdomen
Diet in the Wild other spiders, crickets, ladybugs, cockroaches, and woodlice

29. False black widow

Scientific name Steatoda grossa
Size 6 to 10.5 mm
Identification They have triangular patterns on their abdomen
Diet in the Wild Pill bugs and woodlice

30. Triangulate Cobweb spider

Scientific name Steatoda triangulosa
Size 3.5-5.9 mm
Identification They have a triangle-shaped pattern on the dorsal side of the abdomen
Diet in the Wild ticks, spiders (like brown recluses), pill bugs, and Small insects

31. Trochosa terricola

Scientific name Trochosa terricola
Size 7 to 14 mm
Identification It has two short lines on its carapace
Diet in the Wild Insects like other small spiders, ants, and grasshoppers


Here I conclude our article on all the spider species found in Washington. As you can see, Washington is not only known for its incredible landscapes, but it is also the home of many spider species.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post. So next time you encounter these animals, don’t get scared of them. Instead, pay close attention to them and discover the mysteries they conceal.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1) Are there poisonous spiders in Washington?

Ans. Black Widow, Hobo spider (Eratigena agrestis), and Cheiracanthium inclusum (Black-footed Yellow Sac Spider) are some of the poisonous spiders found in Washington.

Q2) What is the most common spider in Washington State?

Ans. Hobo spiders, jumping spiders, Yellow sac spiders, Funnel weavers, and black widow spiders are the most common species found in Washington.

Q3) Are spiders common in Washington?

Ans. Yes, spiders are very common in Washington state. The five most common spiders found in Washington are Hobo spiders, Jumping spiders, Yellow sac spiders, Funnel weaver, and black widow spiders.

Q4) What spiders does Washington State have?

Ans. According to Spider ID, there are 31 species of spiders found in Washington state, including Wolf spiders, Giant house spiders, cellar spiders, and hobo spiders, etc.

Q5) Do wolf spiders bite?

Ans. Yes, wolf spiders can bite but they are not that aggressive. They usually do so when they feel threatened or cornered.

Q6) How bad is a black widow’s bite?

Ans. Black Widow spider is highly venomous and it’s venom directly or indirectly affects the nervous system of the victim. It leads to various complications like serious pain, swelling, redness, etc.

Q7) Are there a lot of spiders in Seattle?

Ans. Yes, there are a lot of spiders in Seattle. Some of them are Cross Orb Weaver, Zebra jumping spiders, Giant house spiders, Sierra dome spiders, etc.

Q8) Are American house spiders harmless?

Ans. American house spiders are harmless to humans; their bite doesn’t cause any serious or severe symptoms, it is similar to the typical insect bite. They are not that aggressive and only bite when it is provoked.

Q9) Are there big spiders in Washington?

Ans. Yes, Big spiders are also present in Washington state, like Giant house spider, hobo spider, Ground wolf spider, Long-legged cellar spider, Trapdoor spider, etc.

Some Interesting facts about spiders

1) Do all spiders produce silk?

The question must have arisen in your brain: do all spiders produce silk? Let me tell you that these spiders produce silk through their specialized silk glands present in their abdomen and use this for various purposes like making webs, egg sacs, cocoons, etc.

2) Do all spiders make webs?

The answer is no. Though all spiders produce silk, not all of them make webs. Some of them made egg sacs with it, wrapped prey in it, helped spread their young, and utilized it as a safety line to help them flee from predators.

3) Do they eat each other?

The most interesting thing about spiders is that some species are known for cannibalizing their mates. Black widow females usually eat their mates after mating.

4) Why spiders vision is different from others animals? 

Now come to the vision. Spiders vision is so different from that of vertebrates as well as from that of insects. Though they typically have eight eyes, But only a few of them have good eyesight.

Others heavily depend on vibrations, scent, and taste to sense their surroundings. They are able to see in both green and ultraviolet light, which is far beyond the spectrum in which humans can see.

5) Do they sing and dance also?

You will be amazed to know that spiders can even sing and dance. Amazing, isn’t it?

Spiders generally dance in order to attract their mates and warn their predators. and also sing or practically produce sound in order to attract the female spider by vibrating their long legs and abdomen; if she likes the singing, then they mate; if not, then probably she will eat him.

6) Phobia of Spiders

Some people are very scared of spiders. You must have heard someone say, Oh my god, the spider is here. This phobia of spiders is known as arachnophobia.

7) Ants mimic spiders; do they exist?

Yes, even some spiders mimic ants. But why? Myrmarachne is one of the genus of jumping spiders that mimic ants. They resemble the ants in terms of their appearance and behavior; they even do that zig-zag locomotion that ants often do.

But the question is: Why do they do it? Firstly, they can eat them while living between them, and another reason is that it also protects them from predators.

8) Silk web strength

The silk webs that they produce are very strong. It is known to be 1/6th as dense as steel, which makes it very strong for its weight.

9) Their venomous nature

Now let’s talk about their venom. Most people who are scared of spiders do so because of one reason: they are venomous.

It’s true that most of them do produce venom, but the majority of them are not harmful to humans or any other mammals.

According to Guinness World Records, the Sydney funnel-web spider is the most dangerous spider for humans, and it is known to cause a lot of human deaths in Sydney.

10) Their interesting mating ritual

Spiders’ mating ritual is the most fascinating aspect of their behavior. Males typically dance or sing in front of females to impress them.

The mating process of the peacock spider lasts 50 minutes. And after great effort to please the ladies, the females kill them after mating.

But why? Because it keeps reproductive possibilities open.


  • Wikipedia

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