Animal Kingdom brings under its shed all animals of the world, including insects. With so many organisms under it, we are bound to have a great deal of diversity which may range from body size to strength, from the lowest to the highest level. In today’s write-up, we have narrowed down the broad spectrum to a list of the top 60 Strongest Animals in the World/on Earth.
Now, you might ask, how are we comparing the strength exactly? And especially, how can the tiny insects match up to huge animals like Elephants?
Well, insects, though they are some of the strongest animals and occupy the largest group in the Animal kingdom, are not included in this list.
The primary criteria for our list are body size and other physical characteristics like raw muscle power and bite force. So for this list, we have taken only animals of considerable size and body mass.
What is the Strongest Animal in the World?
The answer to this is the strongest animal in the world is the Blue Whale. The Blue Whale is the largest animal in the world and can exert a tremendous force, thanks to its powerful muscles and especially the tail that propels such a massive animal forward against the water drag.
Let us look at some of the apex animals in various categories.
- Exerts Most Absolute Force: Whales
- Most Powerful Land Animal: Elephants
- Strongest Primate: Gorillas
- Strongest Bite Force: Crocodiles
- Forceful Hunter: Tigers
- Intense Defensive Strength: Rhinoceros
- Fiercely Strong Feline: Jaguars
- Unexpectedly Powerful Beast: Bovines
- Strongest Creature in terms of strength relative to its body size: Horned Dung Beetle
Though we have not included insects in our list of strongest animals in the world, the world champions in terms of strength undoubtedly go to insects.
They are the strongest creatures in terms of strength relative to their body size. One particular species of horned dung beetle lifts nearly 1141 times its body weight. This is comparable to an adult man lifting two fully loaded trucks, each with as many as 18 wheels.
So, without further delay, let’s get along with this article.
Top 74 Strongest Animals In The World
74. Golden Eagle
Size | 27-33 inches |
Weight | 4.5 to 6 kg (10 to 14 lbs) |
Strength | 1200 pounds of crushing power per square inch in each foo |
Lifespan | 30 years or more |
Let’s begin the list of the strongest animals in the world with a deadly predator, the Golden Eagle, Aquila chrysaetos. Golden eagles have the impressive ability to carry prey weighing up to 8 pounds and can dive at speeds of up to 200 miles per hour.
Eagle pairs consistently expand their nests each year, resulting in some nests reaching massive proportions; the largest recorded nest was an astounding six feet wide.
73. Harpy Eagle
Size | 36 to 40 inches |
Weight | 13 to 20 pounds |
Strength | can exert several hundred pounds of pressure |
Lifespan | 35 to 45 years |
Introducing one of the planet’s most dangerous flying predators: the Harpy Eagle, scientifically designated as Harpia harpyja. Renowned for its robust build, the Harpy Eagle is often hailed as the most powerful eagle globally.
Its lethal talons possess immense strength, capable of exerting several hundred pounds of pressure (over 50 kilograms), swiftly crushing the bones of its prey and ensuring instant demise. The harpy’s diet includes opossums, porcupines, young deer, snakes, and iguanas.
72. California Condor
Size | 109 to 140 cm (43 to 55 in) |
Weight | 20 – 24 lbs |
Strength | North America’s largest terrestrial bird |
Lifespan | 50 or more years |
California Condors are widely regarded as stronger than Eagles. Their method of feeding, which involves scavenging from animal carcasses, makes it challenging to directly assess their strength. However, their size alone sets them apart, as they are typically larger than the majority of eagles.
Scientifically known as Gymnogyps californianus, these birds are capable of reaching impressive flying speeds of up to 55 miles per hour (88 kilometers per hour) and soaring to altitudes as high as 15,000 feet (4,600 meters).
71. Rottweiler
Size | 24-27 inches (male) |
Weight | 80-135 pounds |
Strength | the bite force of 328 PSI |
Lifespan | 8 – 10 years |
The Rottweiler, a sturdy working breed known for its immense strength, traces its lineage back to the mastiffs utilized by the Roman legions.
Within the family environment, this breed serves as both a gentle companion and a vigilant protector, exhibiting a confident and somewhat detached demeanor when observing its surroundings.
Below Rottweiler, there are other strong dogs too like Pit Bull, Irish Wolfhound, Newfoundland, Siberian Husky, German Shepherd, & Great Dane.
70. American Bandogge Mastiff
Size | 25-30 inches |
Weight | 85 pounds (38 kg) |
Strength | up to 730 psi |
Lifespan | 10+ years |
Here comes the crossbreeding of mastiffs and bulldogs, American Bandogge Mastiff. This fusion produces a robust and devoted working dog.
Renowned for its imposing presence, the Bandog is admired for both its protective instincts and its adaptability, serving capably as a guardian for families or as a dependable companion in various working scenarios. American Bandogge Mastiffs are capable of exerting up to 730 psi of bite force.
69. Fila Brasileiro
Size | 65 and 75 cm (26 and 30 in) |
Weight | 90-180lbs |
Strength | bite force of up to 550 psi |
Lifespan | 9 – 11 years |
The Fila Brasileiro serves multiple purposes, including guarding, cattle herding, and big-game hunting.
Additionally, it can be cherished as a companion or pet. During the eighteenth century, amidst Brazil’s era of legal slavery, the Fila Brasileiro played a role in returning escaped slaves to their owners.
68. Cane Corso
Size | 23 to 28 inches (58 to 71 cm) |
Weight | 99 – 110 lbs |
Strength | bite force of up to 700 psi |
Lifespan | 10 – 12 years |
Cane Carso is considered to be one of the strongest dogs with a bite force of 700 psi which is greater than a lion’s but it should be noted that only bite force doesn’t show the overall strength. Cane Carso is an Italian breed of mastiff and slightly smaller than the Tibetian Mastiff.
These dogs are commonly adopted as companion or guard dogs, and it’s also valued for their ability to safeguard livestock. Historically, it served roles in hunting large game and herding cattle.
67. Saint Bernard
Size | 28-30 inches (males) |
Weight | 140-180 pounds (male) |
Strength | bite force of 230 to 250 PSI |
Lifespan | 8 – 10 years |
Another loving dog on the list is Saint Bernard. These dogs are famous as a rescue dog. Even in various cartoons, we have seen Saint Bernard rescuing people in the snow by giving them a hot liquid.
These giant dogs are the working dogs from the Western Alps in Italy and Switzerland. Also, they have a bite force of 230 to 250 considerably strong PSI.
66. Turkish Kangal
Size | 70–80 cm (28–31 in) |
Weight | 48–60 kg (105–130 lb) |
Strength | bite force of 743 PSI |
Lifespan | 12-15 years |
One of the most popular dogs among shepherds is the Turkish Kangal. Not only the popular they are also one of the strongest dogs on Earth that are capable of fighting against a brown bear.
Originating from Turkey, the Kangal Dog, also known as Sivas Kangal or Turkish Kangal, belongs to the Guardian Dog group.
Recognized by the United Kennel Club in 1998, this ancient flock-guarding breed boasts a rich history and is revered for its steadfast loyalty and protective instincts.
65. Baboon
Size | 20 to 34 inches (60 to 86 centimeters) from head to bottom |
Weight | 33-82 pounds |
Strength | Unlike their larger counterparts like apes and gorillas, they don’t boast a large body but their strong claws and dagger-like canine teeth are used for self-defense. |
Lifespan | 20-40 years |
When it comes to baboons, size isn’t everything, they stick together in groups defending themselves.
Baboons are amazing creatures with six distinct species that have evolved to thrive in various parts of Africa and even the Arabian Peninsula, making them a fascinating group of long-lost relatives.
With each of those species thriving and adapting to their environment.
64. Tibetan Mastiff
Size | 26–29 inches in height |
Weight | 90–150 pounds |
Strength | around 500 to 550 pounds of pressure |
Lifespan | 12 – 15 years |
The Tibetan Mastiff, esteemed for its formidable strength and impressive agility, stands out as one of the largest and most imposing dog breeds.
Typically priced around $2,500 from reputable breeders, these majestic canines have gained notoriety for their role as formidable guard dogs in Tibet, where their presence has occasionally necessitated armed guards to ensure the safety of citizens amidst their occasional disruptions.
With loyalty, intelligence, and a powerful physique, Tibetan Mastiffs epitomize the ideal combination of strength and vigilance in the canine world.
63. Spotted Hyenas
Size |
3-4 feet long |
Weight | 90-140 lbs |
Strength | immensely strong bite force (1100 PSI) |
Lifespan | 12 years |
Spotted hyenas possess one of the strongest bite forces in the entire animal kingdom. Though numerically, the power may be less, keeping the hyenas’ size in mind, the bite force is immense.
Measuring up to 1,100 PSI, such string bite force helps to easily crush the bones of animals, thanks to its powerful jaws. This makes the Hyena one of the strongest animals in the world.
Hyenas also possess one of the most efficient digestive systems, capable of digesting almost any part of an animal’s body, be it bones, skins, or hides.
62. Grey Wolves
Size | 76 centimeters (30 inches) tall 105-160 centimeters (40-63 inches) long |
Weight | 40-50 kg |
Strength | strong bites (400 pounds of pressure per square inch), pack strength |
Lifespan | 14-16 years |
Grey wolves rank 59th in this list of strongest animals in the world. The strength of a wolf lies in its pack and also in its fangs.
Wolves are majestic beings who are not only a close relative to man’s best friend but also hold the record for having one of the strongest bite forces in the entire animal kingdom, up to 450 psi.
Though numerically, it may not be as high as some other animals on this list, keeping in view the animal’s size compared to humongous creatures like the Polar Bear, the number is quite impressive.
61. Komodo Dragon
Size | 10 feet |
Weight |
80-90 kg (males) |
Strength | strong muscles, highly infectious bite with a bite force of 500 to 600 PSI |
Lifespan | 30 years |
Komodo dragons are the world’s largest lizards and are undoubtedly the deadliest too. Capable of swallowing large prey like a goat whole, Komodos smash their prey on a tree to facilitate swallowing.
However, the force is so strong that many times, it ends up in the tree falling.
The bite of a Komodo Dragon is lethal, not because it has venom or anything, but the reason the presence of 60+ bacteria strains, which immediately kills the animal, like the Water Buffalo eventually killing it in a day.
60. Cougar
Size | 60-90 cm high at the shoulders, up to 8 feet long |
Weight | up to 100 kg (males), 65 kg (females) |
Strength | muscular powerful bodies, string bite force (724.6 PSI) |
Lifespan | 14 years |
Cougars have expertly constructed killing machines that can take down an animal that is as heavy as seven times its body size. However, unless this strength is experienced, it cannot be fully understood.
Videos showing cougars attacking and preying on large animals like mule deer provide the best shreds of evidence.
59. Cassowary
Size | up to 5.8 feet |
Weight | up to 160 lbs |
Strength | strong legs (can run up to 31 mph) and razor-sharp talons. |
Lifespan | 40-45 years |
The third largest and the second heaviest birds in the world, the Cassowaries are one of the closest relatives to the Dinosaurs. However, what brings them onto this list is not their ancestry but rather their powerful kicks.
Strong muscular legs equipped with razor-sharp talons can not only crush the ribs of an adult man with just one blow but can also disembowel him with their talons.
Despite being such powerful beings,cassowaries are mostly frugivores. The talons are sharp enough to sever an entire human arm.
58. Manta Ray
Size | About 4.5-9 feet |
Weight | 50-5,300 pounds |
Strength | One of the largest species of rays, they are strong and agile underwater. |
Lifespan | 50-100 years |
Manta rays boast the largest brains relative to their body size allowing them to exhibit complex behaviors, navigate vast ocean expanses, and even pass the mirror test, indicating a level of self-awareness!
They display an eye-catching aerial performance by jumping in and out of the water, likely to communicate and signal to others.
Their unique mating style has caught the attention of many marine enthusiasts. It involves males following the females and catching their pectoral fins with their mouths.
57. Zebras
Size | 4.10-5.25 feet at the shoulders |
Weight | up to 400 kg |
Strength | powerful kicks (with nearly 3,000 pounds of force) enough to kill a lion |
Lifespan | 30 years |
Tuning in to Animal Planet or National Geographic, one of the most common sights is a pride of lions feeding on a Zebra. Little did we know that the Zebra also ranks among the strongest animals in the world.
A grown male African lion can be killed by a single blow to the face or the body of a male zebra when it feels threatened.
A zebra is considered to be capable of kicking with a force of close to 3,000 pounds, enough to smash the skulls of such fierce predators.
56. Ostrich
Size | 4.10-5.25 feet at the shoulders |
Weight | 63-145 kg |
Strength | strong kick (2,000 pounds per square inch) enough to kill a lion |
Lifespan | 30-40 years |
The main strength of an ostrich lies in its size and gigantic legs, which are a storehouse of raw power. When threatened, their legs become menacing weapons.
One powerful kick is enough to kill an adult human or to mortally wound an adult male lion, eventually killing it.
Scientists have measured the kick of an ostrich which reaches as high as 2000 psi! Ostriches have a reputation for eating stones and pebbles.
55. Giraffe
Size | 14 feet (females), 18 feet (males) |
Weight | 1500-2000 lbs (females), 3000 lbs (males) |
Strength | tallest creatures, kicks that can kill an adult male lion (2,000 PSI) |
Lifespan | 25 years |
Giraffes are not only the tallest but also the most powerful beings. Giraffe legs are extremely strong, and each one culminates in a foot-long hoof that is hard and pointed.
A giraffe can kick in almost any direction and a variety of ways, and besides, its tall height is its primary defense mechanism.
The kick is not only strong enough to kill an adult male lion, but the sharp hoofs go a step further to decapitate one of the world’s deadliest predators.
Though the giraffe is such a gigantic creature, we have ranked it in the 43rd position as its center of gravity is very high, making it easy prey once it falls down.
54. Goonch Catfish
Size | up to 7 feet |
Weight | may reach 300 lbs |
Strength | sharp teeth, largemouth to gulp in large prey like humans, S-Tier strength |
Lifespan | currently unknown |
Brought to light by the popular TV show, River Monsters, the Goonch catfish rightfully deserves to be on this list.
Goonchs have robust, thick, and muscular bodies, and a tail, a swipe of which, can inflict significant damage.
A striking incident that the readers must note to estimate this fish’s immense strength is, that a water buffalo, which can weigh over 1000 lbs, was brought down by one of these fish’s attacks.
Hooking one is a rod feels like hooking a raging bull in a rod, as said by some fishermen.
53. Mekong Giant Catfish
Size | up to 10 feet |
Weight | may reach up to 450 lbs |
Strength | massively built muscular bodies |
Lifespan | 60 years |
The next animal in today’s list holds the record for being the largest freshwater fish ever caught, the Mekong Giant Catfish.
Belonging to the shark-like catfish family, the Mekong Giant Catfish holds a great deal of raw strength, which is evident from the fight it puts up after getting hooked or netted.
Overfishing and habitat loss have resulted in the rapid decline of this species, and it is currently listed as critically endangered by the IUCN.
52. Giant Tortoise
Size | Approximately 4 feet in length |
Weight | 250-500 pounds |
Strength | Despite their size, these tortoises are extremely strong. |
Lifespan | 100-150 years |
Imagine meeting someone who has already celebrated their 100th birthday, – now, picture a creature that commonly lives beyond a century!
Say hi, to the next animal on our list—the giant tortoise, which came close to extinction in the early 1900s but made an amazing comeback. Thanks to the conservation laws.
It was believed that Aldabra, the giant tortoise, might have been a staggering 255 years old at the time of his demise, mind-boggling, isn’t it?
51. Arapaima gigas
Size | Up to 15 feet |
Weight | 450 lbs |
Strength | highly mineralized and one of the toughest scales, also known to drown adult humans |
Lifespan | 20 years |
The Arapaima, one of the largest freshwater fishes, are immensely strong beings who show their power when cornered or intimidated.
Their scales are also one of the toughest and are highly mineralized, which protects them from attacks without hindering movements at the same time.
In the popular TV show River Monsters, a group of four adult men finds it difficult to gain control over a juvenile Arapaima, just half of its potential size.
50. Steller’s Sea Lion
Size | About 7.5 feet to 10 feet |
Weight | 579-1,245 pounds |
Strength | Yet another species of sea lions, they are capable of inflicting grave injuries during fights. |
Lifespan | 20-30 years |
Steller sea lions are known for their vocal powers, which resemble a choir of belting baritones.
They interestingly communicate using a range of sounds from belches, growls, snorts, and hisses, creating an underwater symphony.
Unlike other animals, males display confidence by not coercing females into harems but by creating territories where females can freely move between.
49. Walrus
Size | Approximately 8-12 feet |
Weight | 882-3,728 pounds |
Strength | As strong as polar bears and can kill their prey using their tusks |
Lifespan | 40 years |
Weighing about 2000 kilograms walrus is one of the heaviest pinnipeds on the planet.
It is known for its long, ivory tusks that can grow up to a meter in length and serve various purposes such as hunting and defending themselves.
Their huge and massive bodies play the role of landlords of the Arctic for several other marine lives.
Walrus also have excellent navigating skills in the ever-shifting sea ice and shallow continental shelves.
48. Bluefin Tuna
Size | up to 10 feet |
Weight | 1,500 lbs |
Strength | immense muscular strength |
Lifespan | 50 years |
Bluefin Tunas are immensely muscular and strong beings. Through a pair of tendons, this force is transferred to its tail fin, which helps in propelling their massive bodies forward. In contrast to other fish species, the tuna’s tail swings back and forth while its body remains stiff.
This contributes to the tunas’ amazing swimming velocity by decreasing friction and hence the drag and improving the effectiveness of each move.
Bluefin Tunas are highly valued by fishermen, and their over-harvesting has resulted in a rapid decline of their wild populations, and is currently listed as Endangered by the IUCN.
47. Blue Marlin
Size | may reach over 12 feet |
Weight | 2000 lbs |
Strength | Gigantic muscular bodies, sharp deadly bill, speeds of up to 60 mph |
Lifespan | 10 years (males)
20 years (females) |
The Blue marlin ranks 37th in this list of strongest animals in the world. Apart from being one of the largest fishes, they also sit at the apex as one of the fastest.
In the world’s waters, Blue Marlin is among the top predators. The raw power, speed, and aggression of a fully developed blue marlin, not to mention the deadly bill, are unmatched by many other animals.
46. Ocean Sunfish
Size | Approximately 6 feet in length |
Weight | 2,200 – 5,071 pounds |
Strength | Outside water, they are known for their amazing striking strength |
Lifespan | 20 years or more |
The ocean sunfish, also known as the common mola is the perfect example of looks like it can kill you but is a cinnamon.
These fish can reach a whooping weight of up to 1,000 kg making them one of the largest bony fish in the world, but despite their size, they pose no significant threat to humans.
They devour a buffet of small fish, fish larvae, squid, and crustaceans, with a little dash of jellyfish on the side.
They are active hunters and are not shy about gulping down their food with ease.
45. Beluga Sturgeons
Size | up to 7 meters |
Weight | up to 1500 kg |
Strength | large, muscular bodies with immense brute strength |
Lifespan | 100 years |
Beluga sturgeons hold the record for the largest sturgeon ever caught. These prehistoric creatures go around with the name “modern fossils,” as they still retain some of their ancestral features.
Beluga sturgeons are strong fleshy fishes and are popular among fishermen as game fishes due to their massive size.
Sturgeons also have a reputation for being one of the toughest fishes to catch, mainly due to their sheer size, which can easily overpower an adult human.
44. Reticulated Python
Size | 10-20 feet |
Weight | may reach up to 250 kg |
Strength | Kill prey by squeezing and constricting them with 7.8 pounds of pressure per square inch (PSI) |
Lifespan | 10-20 years |
Reticulated Pythons belong to the group of snakes that kill their prey by constriction. Among the largest snakes in the world, they house immense power.
From mice to chickens, pigs, goats, and sometimes even humans, reticulated pythons have them all in their diet. Once a python coils around its prey, it’s almost next to impossible to separate the two.
43. Green Anaconda
Size | 9 feet |
Weight | may reach up to 250 kg |
Strength | Powerful constrictions to crush bones of animals like capybara with 90 pounds of pressure per square inch (PSI) |
Lifespan | 10 years |
Green Anacondas are the heaviest snakes in the world, which also implies that they bring in huge strength and raw power. What’s fascinating about these creatures is the way they swallow large animals like deer whole.
They use their jaws to strike prey and then quickly coil around it and begin constricting with such force, almost crushing the bones for easy swallow and digest. The constriction force of a green anaconda is roughly around 90 psi, which increases with an increase in size.
42. Leopards
Size | 3.4 feet (shoulder height), 4-5 feet long |
Weight | 80-165 lbs (males), 45-130 lbs (females) |
Strength | can carry a carcass three times its weight high up in a tree |
Lifespan | 12-17 years |
Leopards possess extraordinary power and can ascend a favored tree up to 50 feet (15 meters) high while holding prey in their mouth, even if it is larger and nearly three times heavier than their bodies.
Carrying such a heavy carcass high up in a tree requires immensely strong neck muscles and jaws to hold the body, while strong claws and neck muscles help the animal to climb upwards.
41. Jaguars
Size | 5.5-8 feet (males), 4-6 feet (females) |
Weight | 150-300 lbs (males), 110-175 lbs (females) |
Strength | strongest bite force of any wild cat, paw swipe force of 7,500-15,000 lbs-ft/s |
Lifespan | 12-15 years |
When compared to their size, jaguars are the world’s strongest big cats. They have jaws that can provide the most force—up to 1,500 pounds—of any animal. This has enough strength to bite through a human skull and smash it.
Their bite is roughly 1.5 times as powerful as a tiger’s and nearly 3 times as powerful as a lion’s. Caimans and alligators, which are also apex predators, are known to be prey for jaguars.
40. Moose
Size | 6.5 feet (hoof to shoulder) |
Weight | up to 800-1,600 lbs |
Strength | tall muscular bodies, sharp hooves, and powerful legs |
Lifespan | 25 years |
The Moose is the largest of all deer species. They tower over 6.5 feet, with huge antlers (only in males), which gives quite an intimidating appearance.
Moose are also quite muscular beings that have gigantic shoulder and neck muscles that almost double up in size during the rut.
39. American Bison
Size | 5.5 – 6.5 feet tall 9-12.5 feet long (males) |
Weight | up to 2000 lbs |
Strength | immense raw power, brute strength, and can run up to 40 mph |
Lifespan | 20 years |
The American Bison are the largest mammals in their continent and are also its National Mammal. With heavy, bulky bodies and weighing around 1000-2,000 lbs, an American Bison houses immense raw power.
When charging at full speed, an adult bison can easily overturn a car or severely damage it. Bison once pushed to the brink of extinction, are now reintroduced in many pastures to revive their lost populations.
38. American Black Bears
Size | 250-600 lbs (males), 100-400 lbs (females) |
Weight | 250-600 lbs (males), 100-400 lbs (females) |
Strength | strong bodies, bite force of 800 psi |
Lifespan | 18 years |
Black bears possess tremendous physical strength and are capable of using just one paw to topple 325-pound boulders. They can bite with up to 800 PSI of force.
Black bears are experts at climbing trees because of their powerful muscles, which allow them to lift their massive bodies against the force of gravity.
They are considerably more powerful than ordinary people, and many consider them to be stronger than lions in terms of raw power and bite force.
37. Belgian Draft Horses
Size | 1.6-1.7 meters |
Weight | around 900 kg |
Strength | A pair can pull as much as 22,000 lbs (1 ton) |
Lifespan | 18 years |
Belgian Horses are among the largest horse breeds, with one individual, Jake, holding the record for the largest living horse.
These massive breeds are mainly bred for pulling plows and carts and for doing other heavy-duty work, which requires immense strength and muscle power. In one event, a pair of Belgians pulled as heavy as 13,500 lbs of load.
36. Eastern Lowland Gorilla
Size | 5.7-6.7 feet (males), 5.2 feet (females) |
Weight | up to 230 kg |
Strength | heavily built muscular bodies, strong bite force of 1,300 psi, and can lift up to 1,800kg |
Lifespan | 35-50 years |
The next animal on this list is the largest and strongest primate in the world, the Eastern Lowland Gorilla. They have a muscle mass of nearly 4 times that of humans, a bite force of nearly 1,300 psi, and can lift up to 1,800kg.
In a documentary, an adult male gorilla was shown dragging a fully grown man with just one arm as if it were a child’s toy. The Gorilla is undoubtedly a killer machine, but it is normally docile and follows a herbivorous diet.
35. Asiatic Lion
Size | 8.5-9 feet |
Weight | 352-420 lbs (males), 240-265 lbs (females) |
Strength | bite force of 650 psi, and a strike force of around 19,000 lbs-ft/s |
Lifespan | 25 years |
Asiatic Lions are smaller than their African counterparts, but that does not prove them inferior in any way. Concentrated in a small national park in the Western state of Gujarat in India, Asiatic Lions have a current population of a little over 600 individuals.
They have a bite force above 600 psi and a strike force of around 19,000 lbs-ft/s, which makes them quite powerful beings.
34. African Lion
Size | 8-9 feet |
Weight | 330-550 lbs (males), 250-265 lbs (females) |
Strength | bite force of 650 psi, and a strike force of around 22,000 lbs-ft/s |
Lifespan | 20 years |
The African Lion is the second largest of all cat species. These majestic cats can deliver a strike force of nearly 22,000 lbs-ft/sec while running at speeds of 50 miles/hour.
With a bite force of nearly 650 psi, lions can bring down large animals like the African elephant, Cape buffaloes, zebras, wildebeest, etc. Strong powerful jaws enable them to easily crush bones, and strong paws to immobilize prey.
33. Indo-Chinese Tigers
Size | 8.5-9 feet long |
Weight | 430 lbs (males), 250 lbs (females) |
Strength | strong powerful bodies, the strong bite force of 1,000 psi, and paw swipe force |
Lifespan | 20 years |
The Indo-Chinese Tigers are on the subspecies of Panthera tigris and have merely 200 existing individuals in the wild. These tigers are majestic beings and hunt large animals like the boar, Sambar deer, etc., along with smaller animals like monkeys.
Along with other tiger species, they also hold a position as one of the strongest animals in the world.
32. Kodiak Bear
Size | Approximately 244 cm (8 ft) |
Weight | 1,052-1,500 pounds |
Strength | They have a heavy skeleton and a thick mass of muscles that aid in striking and seriously harming the predators |
Lifespan | 20-40 years |
Kodiak bears are one of the largest bear subspecies and terrestrial carnivores on Earth.
Known for their massive size, they possess great strength capable of easily destroying anything that comes their way.
If you think you’ve seen them somewhere, you’re mostly right, as they did appear during the ice age, both in reel and real life.
They had been genetically isolated, which means they had a lower chance of undergoing genetic mutations, resulting in increased susceptibility to diseases.
31. Grizzly Bear
Size | 5.5 ft long, 3 ft high |
Weight | up to 720 lbs (males), up to 450 lbs (females) |
Strength | bite force of 975 psi and paw swipe force of 25,200 lb.-ft./s |
Lifespan | 20-25 years |
Grizzlies are the second largest bears and are, therefore, the strongest Animals in the world. With a bite force of nearly 975 psi (greater than lions) and a paw swipe force of nearly 25,200 lb.-ft./s, Grizzly bears bring about enormous power.
With heavy bodies and running at a top speed of 40 miles per hour, a Grizzly bear can hit with 2,000 pounds of force.
30. Royal Bengal Tiger
Size | 2.9 meters long, 0.9-1.1 meters high |
Weight | 220 kg |
Strength | Strong bite force and paw swipe strength of 24,125 lb.-ft./s. |
Lifespan | up to 25 years |
Bengal Tigers have the highest muscle percentage among all mammals of the world and therefore have extremely muscular bodies. Bengal tigers have a 20-foot vertical jump when they pounce to seize prey.
They will pursue their victim at a pace of 40 mph. With a paw swipe force of 24,125 lb.-ft./s, they can easily break the necks of enormous creatures like the Asiatic buffalo, Indian gaur, and the Sambar Deer.
29. Siberian Tiger
Size | 8.5-10.5 feet |
Weight | up to 670 pounds |
Strength | the strongest bite force of 1050 psi and a paw strike force of 27,500 lb.-ft./s |
Lifespan | Up to 25 years |
Siberian Tigers are the largest of all tiger species and, therefore, also the strongest. With their paws measuring 7×7 inches, they can deliver lethal blows, around 27,500 lb.-ft./s (for males).
These strong wild cats can easily drag an adult moose and can lift prey weighing over 1000 pounds. Siberian Tigers also have a bite force of nearly 1050 psi. Amur or Siberian Tigers sometimes even hunt bears.
28. Ligers
Size | 11 feet long and 5 feet tall |
Weight | 800-900 pounds |
Strength | unknown |
Lifespan | 13 and 18 years |
A liger arises from breeding a male lion with a female tiger, whereas a tigon results from a male tiger mating with a female lion. Ligers typically outsize both lions and tigers, potentially making them stronger due to their size advantage.
Nevertheless, the outcome of animal fights is unpredictable, as it hinges on factors like size, age, and individual combat prowess.
27. American Alligator
Size | 11.2 feet (males), 8.2 feet (female) |
Weight | 500 kg |
Strength | bite force of 2,980 psi |
Lifespan | 30-50 years |
In the next position on this list of strongest animals in the world, we have the American Alligator. With an alarmingly strong bite force of around 2,980 psi, American Alligators have the sixth strongest bite force in the world.
Such powerful jaws help to crush the shells of turtles, a common animal in the diet of alligators.
26. African Cape Buffalo
Size | 1-1.7 m high 1.7-3.4 meters long |
Weight | up to 850 kg |
Strength | muscular built, can lift and throw over an adult male lion, 4 times stronger than an Ox. |
Lifespan | up to 20 years |
Cape buffaloes are the largest and also the strongest African bovines and rightfully deserve a position on this list. They are so strong that it requires almost an entire pride of lions to bring one down.
With strong neck muscles and long horns that sit on their heads like a helmet, these animals can easily throw over an adult lion, mortally wounding it. With huge, bulky bodies, they are no longer than living war tanks. They also carry the name “Black Death.”
25. Gaur
Size | 1.7-2.2 meters high 2.5-3.6 meters long |
Weight | 1000-1500 kg (males). 700-1000 kg (females) |
Strength | nearly 2 times stronger than African Cape Buffalo |
Lifespan | up to 30 years |
The Indian Gaur is the largest of all bovines or wild cattle that go around with the name “Tiger Killer.” Indian Gaurs, especially the males, are heavily built with highly muscular bodies and distinctive dorsal ridges that give an extremely powerful appearance.
They are immensely bold and aggressive creatures and often invade human societies and engage in fights with domestic cattle, killing them most of the time.
24. Polar Bear
Size | up to 10 feet when standing on their hind legs |
Weight | 1300 pounds |
Strength | can push over 1000 pounds of ice, one of the strongest bite-force of 1,200 psi |
Lifespan | 25-30 years |
Polar Bears sit at the apex for having the strongest bite force of all bear species, around 1,200 psi. They are the fiercest bears in the world because of their massive size, which also contributes to how powerful their bite is.
Polar bears are among the most powerful land animals to have ever existed on the globe due to their raw force. Due to their outstanding hunting skills and absence of any natural predators, they are also known as the kings of the Arctic Circle.
23. Northern Elephant Seal
Size | Approximately 13 feet |
Weight | 3000 pounds |
Strength | One of the largest species of seals, they are incredibly strong. |
Lifespan | Around 9 years |
The Northern Elephant Seal gets their name from their impressive size and the males’ distinctive proboscis, which they use to make the roars, especially during intense mating competitions.
If you think you have wanderlust, think again, because female Northern Elephant Seals embark on epic journeys into the open ocean, sometimes traveling as far as Hawaii.
These resilient creatures faced intense hunting pressure in the 18th and 19th centuries, and they are now a protected species. Despite this, they have earned a spot on the list of the world’s strongest creatures.
22. Hippopotamus
Size | 1.3-1.6 meters tall, 3-5 meters long |
Weight | 1300-1500 kg |
Strength | large, strong, heavy bodies with an immensely strong bite force of 1,800 psi |
Lifespan | 40-50 years |
Hippopotamus holds the crown for being the third largest terrestrial land animal in the world. The hippo is thought to be very hostile, and boats have regularly been charged and attacked by them.
Hippos may readily topple small boats, inflicting harm or even death on the passengers. Their bite force amounts to nearly 1,800 psi, one of the strongest of all land animals. Their incisors and canines can reach up to 1.4-1.8 feet.
21. Black Rhino
Size | 5 feet high, 3.5 meters long |
Weight | 700-1300 kg |
Strength | Can exert a force of 4,300 pounds |
Lifespan | 40-45 years |
The Black Rhinoceros is the second African Rhino species after the White Rhino and is among the largest and strongest terrestrial animals in the world.
With an immensely strong armored body, they can easily be hot with a force of nearly 4,300 pounds, which can increase when running at full speeds. Apart from this, they also have a tremendous bite force.
20. Indian One-Horned Rhino
Size | 2 meters high, 3.7 meters long |
Weight | 1,800-2,700 kg |
Strength | Can exert a force of 4,600 pounds |
Lifespan | 45 years |
The Indian One Horned Rhino is one of the largest Rhino species and is also quite endangered. As the name suggests, they have only one horn in their head, as compared to their African counterparts, which are equipped with two.
This, however, does not make them inferior in any way, as they can strike with a force of 4,600 pounds. Its teeth are one of the sharpest among all rhino species, thanks to its large incisors.
19. White Rhino
Size | 1.8 meters in height |
Weight | 3.6 tons (males), 1.8 tons (females) |
Strength | bite force of 1000 psi, Can exert a force of 6,500 pounds |
Lifespan | 50 years |
Southern White Rhinos are the second largest terrestrial animals in the world. They have an average hitting force of nearly 6,500 pounds which can increase several folds when at full speeds.
Apart from this, they have immensely strong jaws, and despite being herbivores, they can deliver powerful bites of nearly 1,000 psi.
Southern White Rhinos have two large horns made up of keratin and are powerful tools for defense. With armor-like tough skin, rhinos are no less than a war tank. One of the most endangered beings, the Northern White Rhino, currently has only two existing individuals.
18. Nile Crocodile
Size | up to 20 feet |
Weight | 1000 kg |
Strength | bite force of around 2000 psi |
Lifespan | 50-60 years |
Nile crocodiles are the second largest crocodile species after the Saltwater Crocodile. They are majestic beings that possess the second strongest bite force of any land animal and can take down large animals like the Zebra, wildebeest, and even the Cape buffalo.
Their jaws are immensely strong, and using their strength, they pull these large beings underwater. Once prey falls in between this animal’s jaws, it’s almost impossible to escape from it.
17. Southern Elephant Seal
Size | Approximately 4.5-9 feet |
Weight | 770-6,600 pounds |
Strength | Their size is a testament to the sheer power they possess |
Lifespan | 9.5-21 years |
Southern Elephant Seal is not only the largest seal but also the largest extant marine mammal on the face of the earth.
If this wasn’t to catch your attention, it is also 6-7 times the weight of the largest terrestrial carnivores, like Kodiak and polar bears!
Like the Northern Elephant Seal, its massive proboscis is used to produce incredibly loud roars, especially during the breeding season.
16. Saltwater Crocodile
Size | up to 6.2 meters |
Weight | 1000-1300 kilograms |
Strength | bite force of nearly 3,700 psi |
Lifespan | 70 years |
Next up on this list of Strongest Animals in the world, is the Saltwater crocodile. The largest member of the crocodile family, the saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus), weighs around 1,000 pounds.
They possess the strongest bite of any animal in the world. One of the deadliest animals in the world, saltwater crocodiles kill between 3,000 and 5,000 people annually.
They feed on crustaceans, crabs, and fishes to large creatures like water buffaloes, boars, Sambar Deer, and on rare occasions, even the Tiger.
15. Tiger Shark
Size | 10-14 ft |
Weight | 385-635 kg (850-1400 lbs) |
Strength | 25 pounds per square inch (psi) |
Lifespan | 30+ years |
The list includes the nocturnal hunter, Tiger Sharks, known as one of the most aggressive shark species on Earth. Their prey typically consists of crabs, shellfish, lobsters, squid, bony fish, small sharks, skates, rays, porpoises, turtles, marine birds, and mammals.
14. Colossal squid
Size | 46 feet (14 m) |
Weight | 1100 pounds (500 kg) |
Strength | noncalculable |
Lifespan | Unknown |
We know very little information on Colossal Squids that’s why we have ranked it below sharks. However, in terms of size and weight, they surpass sharks by far.
These creatures inhabit the depths of the ocean, preying on both small and large fish, including the Patagonian toothfish, as well as other squids. Interestingly, Colossal squids can sustain themselves by consuming just a single fish for months.
13. Bull Shark
Size | 7 to 11.5 feet |
Weight | 200 and 500 pounds |
Strength | bite force up to 5,914 newtons (1,330 lbf) |
Lifespan | 12-30 years |
One of the most dangerous sharks in the world is Bull shark. Weighing more than 200 pounds, these sharks can reach up to 25 mph whereas on an average humans can swim only at 2 mph.
They are very dangerous predators having an omnivore diet that includes fishes (including other sharks), dolphins, turtles, birds, molluscs, and echinoderms.
12. Great White Shark
Size | up to 20 feet long |
Weight | 700-1100 kilograms |
Strength | can exert a massive force of 1.8 tonnes with their jaws |
Lifespan | 70 or more years |
Great Whites are the terror of the oceans. The star of the popular American movie Jaws, Great Whites possesses the strongest jaws on the planet. In addition to being among the largest fish in the world, great white sharks have a bite force of up to 4,000 pounds per square inch (PSI).
That is twenty times more powerful than the typical human bite, ten times more powerful than the typical wolf bite, and seventeen times more powerful than the typical pit bull bite.
Their scaly, muscular bodies, fashioned like torpedoes, swiftly move through marine waters at speeds of up to 35 mph (mph). The greatest number of unprovoked attacks on humans has been recorded by great white sharks.
11. Asian Elephant
Size | 2.5-3.2 meters |
Weight | 3-6 tons |
Strength | Immense brute force, trunk can lift up to 770lbs |
Lifespan | 60-70 years |
Asian elephants are the second largest terrestrial and 10th strongest animals in the world, with only their African relative larger than them, on land.
Being enormously strong creatures, their strengths have been harnessed since time immemorial for several heavy-duty tasks, like lifting giant stones for constructions, logs, boulders, etc.
Asian elephants were also essential components of wars and were used to trample over soldiers in warfare.
10. African Bush Elephant
Size | 13 feet (4 meters) in height |
Weight | up to 10 tons |
Strength | able to carry up to 9,000 kg |
Lifespan | 70 years |
In the 9th position on this list of Strongest Animals in the world sits the African Bush Elephant. Apart from being the strongest, they are the largest living terrestrial animals.
Their trunks, made up of nearly 150,000 muscle fibers, weighing nearly 130-140 kg, can pick up 180-200 kg at once.
African Bush Elephants play a significant role in reshaping the landscape as they can easily bring large trees to the ground by using their brute force.
9. Orca
Size | 6-8 meters (males), 5-7 meters (females) |
Weight | 6 tons (males), 4 tons (females) |
Strength | up to 19000 psi of bite force |
Lifespan | 30 years |
Orcas are undoubtedly the wolves of the sea and are also the apex predators in the oceans. They are toothed dolphins and feed on large animals like whales, seals, and dolphins.
Orcas are highly social beings, and it is their team coordination that enables them to take down large mammals like whales.
Orcas are the second fastest marine mammal, which establishes the fact that they bring about tremendous brute force, which makes them the second strongest animal in the world.
8. Whale Shark
Size | Up to 21 meters |
Weight | 60 tons |
Strength | Enormously strong tails to propel them forward |
Lifespan | 80-130 years |
Whale Sharks are not only the 7th strongest animals in the world but are also the largest fishes. The strongest part of their body is undoubtedly their tails, which helps this enormous animal to propel forward.
Whale Sharks have high regenerative abilities and can heal major surface injuries by up to 60% in less than a month.
7. Bowhead Whale
Size | Approximately 60 feet long |
Weight | 60-80 tons |
Strength | Their thick skin and blubber layer give them their enormous size |
Lifespan | Over 200 years |
Your giant pet tortoise and bowhead whale share a common trait: both have a long lifespan, living well beyond the age of 100. They are here to witness at least three generations!
These amazing creatures have massive triangular skulls that they use to break through the thick Arctic ice.
They can consume a whopping 1.8 tonnes of food daily, helping the Arctic maintain and clean the ecosystem.
Their strength is displayed in their resilience, having survived the forces of nature throughout the years.
6. Humpback Whales
Size | Up to 17 meters (56 feet) |
Weight | 40 tons |
Strength | can easily flip over and destroy large tour boats |
Lifespan | 50 years |
The sixth strongest animal in this list is the whale most common among whale watchers, the Humpback Whales. Since humpback whales are typically peaceful and non-aggressive creatures, it is quite rare that they will hurt a person.
However, they are enormous, curious, and occasionally approach vessels. Extensive hunting dropped their populations to as low as 450 individuals. However, the ban on humpback whaling and conservation efforts have helped to revive their population.
5. Sperm Whales
Size | 16 meters |
Weight | 41 tons (males), 14 tons (females) |
Strength | Largest-toothed predator; feeds on Giant and Colossal Squids (over 13 meters) |
Lifespan | 70-75 years |
Sperm Whales are the largest predator in the world with teeth and also the animal with the largest brain.
They quite resemble submarines, and feed mainly on squids, even the colossal and giant squids, and sometimes also on deep sea creatures like megamouth sharks.
Sperm Whales are highly social beings and can deliver lethal blows with their tails to predators when threatened.
4. Gray Whales
Size | 50 feet |
Weight | 41 tons |
Strength | known as “Devil Fish” as they become aggressive and violently fight back |
Lifespan | 55-70 years |
Gray Whales are the seventh largest whales in the world and also the 4th animal in this list of Strongest Animals in the World.
With approximately 16,000 extant individuals, the Grey Whales are another endangered whale species, thanks to indiscriminate whaling activities. Grey Whales are baleen whales and undergo the longest migration of any mammal in the world.
3. Right Whales
Size | 13-17 meters (43-56 feet) |
Weight | 100 tons |
Strength | can be called the Tank of the Sea |
Lifespan | approximately 70 years |
Right Whales are highly stocky beings and heavily bodied. They are quite docile beings and swim quite slowly. With three extant species, Right Whales are also one of the most critically endangered whales.
Owing to its large size and docile nature, Right Whales were a popular choice among whalers, thereby giving it the title “right,” as in the perfect whale to hunt.
2. Fin Whale
Size | 75-80 feet |
Weight | Up to 75 tons |
Strength | can pull its enormous body at speeds of 35 km/h |
Lifespan | 50-60 years |
Bearing the nickname “Greyhound of the Sea,” Fin Whales are the second largest animals in the world, the sole competitor of the Blue Whale.
Fin Whales are enormously strong beings, which can be established from the fact that they can swim at speeds of 35 km/h, which can rise to 45 km/h.
To pull such a giant body at such speeds undoubtedly makes the Fin Whale the second strongest among strongest animals in the world.
1. Blue Whale
Size | 70-80 feet |
Weight | 150 tons |
Strength | can pull about 30 tons and can lift around 6300 kg |
Lifespan | 90 years |
Without the Blue Whale, the list of Top 60 Strongest Animals in the World would be lacking. The Blue Whale is the world’s largest and also strongest animal in the world.
The tremendous muscle strength required to propel this large animal through the waters makes this animal the strongest in the world. Even simple activities like opening its mouth or moving its tail to propel forward are enormously power-consuming.
Here, we conclude this article on the 60 Strongest Animals in the World. Hope you have enjoyed it. Stay tuned for many such interesting articles only on this website. Until then, goodbye.
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Hi everyone, my name is Shawna, and I’ve always been fascinated by the fascinating diversity of flora and fauna that our nature has in it. I am currently studying biotechnology and am particularly interested in animal biotechnology, delving into the intricate processes that define their true nature and uniqueness.