24 Yellow and Black Butterfly Types (With Spiritual Meaning & Pictures)|Updated

Butterflies are the most fascinating creatures in the world, and they are known for their shape, color, and size. You may have seen many butterflies in your backyard or during field trips.

These butterflies not only amazed us with their beautiful color but also had some spiritual meanings.

How will you identify a species of butterfly? Probably because of their unique colors and patterns. In this post, you will learn about different types of yellow and black butterflies. Let’s start this beautiful journey.

What is the spiritual meaning of a yellow and black butterfly?

The colors yellow and black have great value in spirituality. Yellow color is associated with warmness, excitement and happiness whereas black color is associated with power, sophistication , elegance and emptiness.

As in these butterflies both the yellow and black color are present and are known for their striking combination which symbolize power, sophistication and positive energy and the emptiness of black color is fill by warmness of yellow color.

24 Yellow and Black Butterflies

1. Eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly

Eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly
Eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly
Scientific name Papilio glaucus
Size 5.5 cm
Geographical location Eastern united states, Ontario, Canada
Identification Have yellow with four black tiger strips on forewings

This group of butterflies is very common in the eastern United States and Ontario, Canada.

They are quite large, with a wingspan of 8 to 14 cm.

They are vibrant yellow in color with four black stripes, which are known as tiger stripes, on their forewings, as they resemble the tiger.

Females of this species are dimorphic. These largest butterflies are diurnal and inhabit woodlands and gardens.

2. Androgeus Swallowtail

Papilio androgeus
Papilio androgeus | Credit: Emőke Dénes (commons.wikimedia) (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Scientific name Papilio androgeus
Size 134-140 mm
Geographical location Mexico, Argentina
Identification have yellow wings with black markings

They are known as Queen Swallowtails because of their largest size and striking appearance; this name is given to this butterfly in honor of Queen Elizabeth.

Both sexes are easily distinguishable from each other, as females are larger than males and have totally different appearances.

Female wings are turquoise in color with blue-green markings, whereas male wings are yellow with black markings.

They have an average wingspan of 134–140 mm.

The caterpillars of these butterflies are green with black markings and can be seen on the leaves of citrus trees.

3. Yellow Glassy Tiger

Scientific name Parantica aspasia
Size 60-75 mm
Geographical location Indian subcontinent
Identification have tiger-like appearance

This Asian native butterfly belongs to the group of brush-footed butterflies.

These butterflies have brownish wings with bright yellow and black markings.

They are known as “yellow glassy tigers” due to their resemblance to tigers in appearance, which represent strength and power.

According to recent data, they are extinct in Singapore. This butterfly demonstrates both Batesian and Mullerian mimicry. They fly slowly and can be frequently seen in forested areas.

4. Giant Swallowtail

Giant Swallowtail
Giant Swallowtail
Scientific name Papilio cresphontes
Size 5.5-7.4 cm
Geographical location North America
Identification have black wings with yellow lines

Swallowtail butterflies show distinctive characters and have a prominent appearance.

It is the largest butterfly species found in North America.

They are known for their size; females have an average wingspan of 5.5 to 6.9 inches, and males have wingspans up to 5.8 to 7.4 inches.

They have black wings with horizontal and diagonal yellow lines across the hindwings.

Their caterpillars are known as “orange puppies,” as they cause serious harm to the citrus trees.

In their pupa stage, they are more prone to parasitic attacks.

5. Southern Festoon

Southern Festoon
Southern Festoon
Scientific name Zerynthia polyxena
Size 46-52 mm
Geographical location Europe , kazakhstan
Identification have  black markings on wings

We are back with another swallowtail butterfly, i.e., the southern festoon. It has a wingspan of 46–52 mm.

They have yellow wings with intricate patterns and black markings.

They are widely distributed in middle and southern Europe, coming from Kazakhstan.

Females have larger and lighter-colored wings than males. They have aposematic coloration to warn the predators that they are not going to be a tasty meal!

6. Northern Chequered Skipper

Northern Chequered Skipper
Northern Chequered Skipper
Scientific name Carterocephalus silvicola
Size 13 mm
Geographical location Europe, Western Scotland
Identification have disc-shaped black spots

This fast-flying butterfly is endemic to the damp, grassy habitat of western Scotland.

Recently, they were introduced in some parts of Ireland and Europe as a part of long-term conservation plans.

As compared to the above butterflies, they are smaller in size and have a wingspan of 13 mm.

Their wings are yellow with brown-black disc-shaped spots. Females of this species are less frequently visible than males.

7. Spanish Festoon

Spanish Festoon
Spanish Festoon
Scientific name Zerynthia rumina
Size No information
Geographical location Southern France
Identification have red spots on their wings

The Spanish festoon is a magnificent butterfly that can be seen in southern France.

People often confuse it with the southern festoon. but they have remarkable differences in their wings.

Their wings have red spots on them, which are absent in the southern festoon.

Their wings have ornate patterns of yellow, black, and brown. It’s dazzle coloration often confuses the predators about where to attack.

If you really want to see this butterfly, then April and May will be better times to watch.

8. Yellow Pansy

Junonia hierta
Junonia hierta
Scientific name Junonia hierta
Size 2-2.5 inches
Geographical location Africa, Southeast Asia
Identification have black edges on yellow wings

This butterfly belongs to the Nymphalidae family. This scrub- and grassland-inhabited species can be found in Africa and Southeast Asia. Polymorphism can be seen in this butterfly.

Females can be easily distinguished from males by their wing patterns.

They have yellow wings with black edges and white spots.

You can find these beautiful creatures in arid regions like grasslands, semi-deserts, etc. This paleotropical butterfly is considered migratory.

9. Cairns Birdwing

Scientific name Ornithoptera euphorion 
Size 12.5-15 cm
Geographical location Australia
Identification have yellow and green flashes on their wings

The Cairns birdwing, the northern birdwing, and the Cooktown birdwing are the common names of Ornithoptera euphorian, the endemic species of Australia.

Their wingspan can reach up to 15 cm in females and 12.5 cm in males.

It is the largest butterfly species found in Australia. Males have black wings with yellow and green flashes, whereas females have black wings with white patches, and females are comparatively larger than males.

They are known for their rare genetic mutations.

10. Chocolate Albatross

Chocolate Albatross
Chocolate Albatross | Credit: Sayan Sanyal (commons.wikimedia) (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Scientific name Alppias lyncida
Size 55-70 mm
Geographical location Asia
Identification have chocolate brown margins

The chocolate albatross is native to the Indian subcontinent. It is a tropical species of the Pieridae family, commonly found in Asia.

Males have yellow wings with chocolate brown and black margins, whereas females have whitish wings with chocolate brown markings.

It is found in forests and along stream banks, and it has an average wingspan of 55 to 70 mm.

They exhibit seasonal dimorphism and variability in dry-season and wet-season forms.

11. Mourning Cloak

Scientific name Nymphalis antiopa
Size 4 inches
Geographical location North America, Britain
Identification have yellow margins with blue spots

The Mourning Cloak in North America and the Camberwell Beauty in Britain are the common names of Nymphalis antiopa.

It is a large butterfly with unique markings and an average wingspan of 4 inches.

The upper side of the wings is dark maroon in color with yellow edges, and there is a black demarcation line between yellow and brown, whereas the lower side has grey striations.

Sexual dimorphism is absent in this butterfly. This butterfly displays polygynous mating behavior. They have the longest lifespan among butterflies (11–12 months).

12. Yellow Coster Butterfly

Yellow Coster Butterfly
Yellow Coster Butterfly | Credit: Peellden (commons.wikimedia) (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Scientific name Acraea issoria 
Size No information
Geographical location Western Himalayas
Identification Have coaster-like black markings

The yellow coaster butterfly is the smallest butterfly in the Nymphalidae family.

They are known for their small size and leathery wings. Their hard endoskeleton protects them from predators.

It is commonly found in the western Himalayas. They have an average wingspan of 5–6 cm.

The upper side of their wings is yellow with black markings, which have a coaster-like appearance.

That’s why they are named yellow coster butterflies, whereas the lower side is orange with black markings.

They secrete harmful secretions from their leg glands.

13. Western Tiger Swallowtail

Western Tiger Swallowtail
Western Tiger Swallowtail
Scientific name Papilio rutulus
Size 7-10 cm
Geographical location Western North America
Identification have blue-white spots on tail

Let’s talk about another swallowtail butterfly, i.e., the western tiger swallowtail.

This rural, woodland-inhabited species is commonly found in western North America.

These large butterflies have an average wingspan of 7–10 cm.

Their wings are yellow with black markings, and they have blue and white spots on their tails.

Butterfly enthusiasts can see this butterfly in February and March.

It’s quite difficult to take pictures of these butterflies, as they hardly take rest.

Their caterpillars are green and have yellow eyes with blue pupils.

14. Yellow Jezebel

Yellow Jezebel
Yellow Jezebel
Scientific name Delias agostina
Size 2.5-3 inches
Geographical location India, Southeast Asia, and Australia
Identification have black and yellow bands on underside of their wings

If you are an entomologist, then you must have seen this butterfly in your lab.

It is commonly found in India, Southeast Asia, and Australia and has an average wingspan of 2.5–3 inches.

They are Mullerian mimics, and they often mimic crow butterflies to stay away from predators.

This flying butterfly is a long-distance migrant and can migrate up to 1000 miles.

The upper side of their wings is white with black markings, whereas the lower side is yellow with black bands.

15. African Caper

Scientific name Belenois creona
Size 40-45 mm
Geographical location Afrotropical realm
Identification their underwings are yellow in color

African common white, or African caper, belongs to the family Pieridae, i.e., the yellows and whites.

The upper sides of their wings are white with black veins, whereas the undersides are yellow with black markings.

It exhibits both Mullerian and Batesian mimicry.

They are found in a variety of habitats, including savannas, forests, and grasslands.

They are well known during the summer and autumn, when large numbers migrate towards Southeast Asia.

16. Yucca Giant Skipper

Scientific name Megathymus yuccae
Size 50-75 mm
Geographical location United states, Mexico
Identification are brownish black with yellow margins

As the name indicates, the Yucca giant skipper is a large and robust-bodied butterfly.

Adults have a wingspan of 50–75 mm. Females are larger than males and have more rounded forewings.

The wings are brownish black with a yellow outer band, which varies in both sexes.

This species is univoltine and produces generation from February to May.

Females commonly lay eggs on the leaves of Adam’s needle.

They are quite uncommon and found in the United States and northern and southern Mexico.

17. Painted Lady

Painted Lady
Painted Lady
Scientific name Vanessa cardui
Size No information
Geographical location In all continents expect Antarctica and South America
Identification have yellow orangish wings with irregular black bands and white spots.

The painted lady is the most common butterfly found all across the world, on all continents except Antarctica and South America. They stay only in warmer areas and migrate to Britain and Europe in May and June.

Their migration pattern commonly follows a north-west heading. They are known for continuous mating throughout all seasons, including winters.

Their visual system resembles that of a honey bee. Let’s talk about appearances.

Their forewings are yellow orangish in color with irregular black patterns, whereas their hind wings have black spots from the costal vein to the end of the tail.

18. Yellow-orange tip

Scientific name Ixias pyrene 
Size 50-55 mm
Geographical location Sri Lanka, India and Southeast Asia
Identification sulphur yellow wings with orange and black tip

Another member of the family Pieridae, the yellow-orange tip is commonly found in India, Sri Lanka, and southeast Asia.

Their larvae commonly feed on capparis. Their appearance is quite distinctive.

As the name indicates, males have yellow wings with an orange and black tip, whereas females have white wings with an orange tip. If you want to see this butterfly, then morning time is best for it.

19. Golden Birdwing

Scientific name Troides aeacus
Size 150-170 mm
Geographical location Indian subcontinent
Identification hindwings have black and yellow patterns

Being a member of the swallowtail family, this large butterfly is found only in tropical climates.

They have an average wingspan of 150–170 mm and are found in countries of the Indian subcontinent.

Their appearance is quite magnificent. The forewings are black with white bands, while the hindwings have remarkable black and yellow patterns. They appear to be all black while flying.

20. Hydaspes eighty-eight

Scientific name Callicore hydaspes
Size 35-35 mm
Geographical location Brazil, Peru, and Argentina
Identification Their hindwings have distinct black and yellow patterns.

When you see this butterfly from above, it will not appear as a black and yellow butterfly.

Their forewings have incredible black, blue, and red patterns. whereas their hind wings have remarkable black and yellow patterns.

This forest-inhabiting butterfly belongs to the Nymphalidae family and is commonly found in Brazil, Peru, and some parts of Argentina.

21. Orange Sulphur

Scientific name Colias eurytheme
Size 5 cm
Geographical location North America
Identification Have red bordered spots on their wings

Orange sulphur is characterized by bright yellow or orange wings with black dots and margins.

They can be easily identified by the red border spots on their wings.

They are found all throughout North America, from Mexico to southern Canada.

Also called alfalfa butterflies because their primary food source is alfalfa plants.

Males can be easily distinguished from females by their appearance.

They use the reflective pattern of their hindwings to attract the females.

22. Pale-banded Crescent

Scientific name Anthanassa tulcis
Size 3.2–3.5 cm
Geographical location North America
Identification Have black wings with yellow spots and bands

Tulcis crescent or pale-banded crescent are some of the common names of Anthanassa tulcis.

One can find them in North America, from Argentina north through Central America and Mexico to South Texas, and sometimes they stray to west Texas and southern Arizona.

They have black wings with yellow spots on the margins and a yellow band, which makes them distinctive.

23. Mexican Dartwhite

Scientific name Catasticta nimbice
Size 45–57 mm
Geographical location Costa Rica and Mexico
Identification Have yellow wings with black veins and thick margins

Catasticta nimbice is called Pine White or Mexican Dart White because of its distinct pine tree habitat and geographic location.

They are found from Costa Rica to Mexico. These butterflies have a pale yellow tint with distinctive black veins and broad borders, as this image makes evident.

Primarily, they feed on parasitic mistletoes and nectar from various flowers.

24. Soldier pansy

Scientific name Junonia terea
Size 50 to 60 mm
Geographical location Sub-Saharan Africa, the southern Arabian Peninsula, the island of Madagascar, and the islands of the western Indian Ocean
Identification Blackish-brown top side with white spots on their wings

Known as soldier pansy or soldier commodore, most likely because of their distinctive wings’ brown, black, or yellow coloring that mimics certain military garb.

The afro tropical region, which includes Madagascar, the southern Arabian Peninsula, Sub-Saharan Africa, and the islands of the western Indian Ocean, is home to them.

They can attain a size of 50 to 60 mm. Just look at them from above; they exhibit beautiful patterns of black, brown and yellow on the wings.


Now we come to the end of this article. You must have gained some knowledge about many yellow and black butterflies and their characteristic behaviors.

They have a unique appearance and have kept on fascinating us for centuries. We will talk about another group of animals in the next article; until then, enjoy the butterfly varieties.

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